Newark Traffic Enforcement Generates Concerns

Driving in Newark has recently required residents to become acclimated to new roundabouts in various parts of the City. This is expected as progress comes to a growing community.

Unfortunately, there also seems to be an unrelated trend being noticed on the streets of Newark.

Residents have shared the perception of an increase in major traffic infractions over the past two years; incidents that can result in serious injury.

Leading the concerns are vehicles speeding through red lights at intersections, after the opposing traffic has already started entering with a green light.

Whereas this was an infrequent sight in the past, it is now witnessed daily in the center of Newark at major intersections as well as other thoroughfares.

A resident in front of the library or hardware store needs only to sit for an hour to see a potential broadside-impact incident occur.  This scofflaw behavior seems to have become more emboldened in our community, and the reasons are unclear.

Parents need to warn their teens beyond the usual cautions that this deadly behavior exists to such an extreme.

To have the same behavior increase to such a level that it is now expected at any Newark intersection daily calls for heightened attention from law enforcement.

Obvious remedies to this safety concern should begin with officer visibility. 

Having a cruiser stationed at these major intersections for a portion of their shift would immediately reverse this growing trend, prevent serious injury, and certainly generate revenue for the city from those that endanger residents of Newark.

The Newark Police Department knows the hot spots. Citizens who spend limited time on our roadways can easily call out the top intersections that this occurs, Our officers have to be even more aware: all major intersections approaching downtown from the West on both Church and Main Streets. 4th and 5th in particular.   21st St. at Moull St.

These are areas of high potential injury as running a red light has become more prevalent.

Officer visibility and interaction with community is the hallmark of any city wanting to send the message that we are here policing your safety.  Rarely is an NPD cruiser seen posted at these locations for any period of time. Increasing this strategy would send a message that  chances of not being held accountable for such dangerous behavior will not be as common as is currently seen.

Coverage on this story is ongoing.