Black Kids Force White Kids to Their Knees; News Media Snore – The American Spectator

Did you see this story?

A group of white elementary school kids beat three of their black schoolmates. They then ordered them to get on their knees and say, “Make America great again!” Local white leaders told people to stop worrying about this. It was no big deal.

Well, you never saw this story because it never happened. But you could not have escaped it, were it true.

Did you see this story?

As the Epoch Times reported on March 3, five black students at Kenwood Elementary School in Springfield, Ohio, confronted three of their white schoolmates, forced them to their knees, and made them say, “Black lives matter.”

This transpired Feb. 10 in the schoolyard during recess. Security cameras captured this disgrace. Regardless, police were not alerted until Feb. 13.

The three white kids reached the scene moments apart. At least two of the blacks punched, slapped, pushed, or otherwise assaulted the whites.

Principal Evan Hunsaker reportedly told police that one or more of the white children were “chased down and escorted, dragged, or carried” to a spot on the playground, near a swing set, where this attack unfolded.

The local NAACP wants no one to go too crazy over this case.

Echoing Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution, these totally dominated white kids knelt before four of their black schoolmates, who berated them. Chillingly, the intimidated white children appeared on surveillance images as if they were about to be shot in the backs of their heads, execution style.

Thankfully, no one was killed. This scene was limited to the blacks holding the whites hostage while they verbally and physically assaulted them.

“[T]he Springfield City School District does not approve of and will not tolerate the reported behavior,” local education officials declared. “The Springfield Police Division is in the process of pursuing charges for involved students based upon the ongoing investigation, and the District will issue appropriate school discipline in accordance with Board Policy.”

Dayton 24/7 Now reports that “police are actively pursuing charges for the identified assaults that occurred during this incident.”

In contrast, the local NAACP wants no one to go too crazy over this case. Apparently, there is nothing to see here.

“This whole thing has been blown completely out of proportion,” Springfield NAACP President Denise Williams told the Epoch Times last Friday. “This is not something that needs national attention.”

So, how is that national attention coming along?

“Minimal coverage anywhere,” said Brent Baker, vice president of the Media Research Center (MRC). “From closed captioning, I can only find two citations on Newsmax and one segment on Fox & Friends Saturday.”

So, on Friday, March 3, when the Epoch Times spread this story beyond Ohio, it received zero minutes and zero seconds of airtime on the Big Three network nightly news shows. What did the flagships of these major news organizations squeeze into their broadcasts?

ABC’s World News Tonight devoted 19 seconds to the rescue of a husky that had been trapped for 23 days beneath the rubble of Turkey’s massive Feb. 6 earthquake.

The CBS Evening News spent two minutes and 25 seconds on Blossom, a widowed goose in Marshalltown, Iowa, who falls in love with a widowered gander named Frankie.

NBC’s Nightly News focused four minutes and 30 seconds on fallen attorney Alex Murdaugh’s life prison sentence for murdering his wife and son in Colleton County, South Carolina.

Yes, those animal stories were adorable, and Murdaugh’s double-homicide trial generated headlines for five weeks. Fine.

But not even a 15-second video clip with an anchor’s voiceover explaining this savagery? Not even on one of the three major networks? Really?

As for the Left’s cable news outlets, according to MRC — zippo on CNN or MSNBC.

This should have ignited a media firestorm or at least a cable news campfire.

“The Jussie Smollett case proved how eager the media are to jump on any incident that proves their preferred narrative about racist MAGA supporters,” Baker added. “In contrast, journalists admire the cause of Black Lives Matter and have no interest in making them look bad.”

Just imagine this level of earsplitting silence if my opening imaginary scenario were true. Had several white kids driven black kids to their knees and coerced them to say, “Make America great again,” this news would have circumnavigated the globe at light speed.

Everyone — Left, middle, and Right — knows damned well that if the white kids were the perpetrators, the coverage would have been universal and relentless, and justifiably so. This is evil behavior, no matter the color of the victims or their tormentors. The fact that this involved primary school students and political statements makes it that much uglier.

If mega-MAGA white children had inflicted this criminality on black kids, the Rev. Al Sharpton would have jetted to Springfield within minutes of being informed. BLM marchers would have converged from every direction and, en route, crafted slogans to scream in the streets. The Democrats’ Antifa thugs would have donned their masks and girded themselves for “mostly peaceful” riots.

But if young white punks forcing black kids to parrot ideological rallying cries would trigger a tear-inducing, lip-trembling teachable moment, then, for God’s sake, the opposite must be true. BLM and MAGA aside, given the usual outrage about the evils of bullying, if nothing else, this should have ignited a media firestorm or at least a cable news campfire. Alas, this story did not generate enough heat to light a birthday candle.

The fact that this episode has not raised the national temperature by even a 10th of a degree Fahrenheit confirms the deep chill into which America has tumbled.

Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News contributor.


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Read More: Black Kids Force White Kids to Their Knees; News Media Snore – The American Spectator