Frequent power outages in Old Town-Orono area plague businesses and homeowners

Mackenzie Rose Peacock was losing power at her Orono apartment so frequently and without warning that she had multiple contingency plans about where to get internet access to do school work or take a hot shower before class.

Peacock moved to southern Maine in January, but Old Town-Orono residents keep having outages and there’s no immediate solution in sight.

Residents and business owners say that frequent outages have been going on for at least a couple of years, and some think the situation is getting worse. It is difficult to pinpoint how widespread the problem is because the outages mostly occur in random spots, with the exception of the Bennoch Road area, which seems to have a concentration of them. The length of time varies too, with some households and businesses experiencing a momentary blip, while others can lose power for hours or days at a time.

Read More: Frequent power outages in Old Town-Orono area plague businesses and homeowners