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Cancer survivor sees Ohio House passing HB 135 as a win

COLUMBUS, Ohio — An Ohio cancer survivor and advocate pushed for copay reform since last year, and Wednesday, she celebrated a win in the Ohio Legislature. What You Need To Know House Bill 135 would outlaw not being able to use…

Students reflect on CROWN Act not passing the House

The Crown Act, a bill meant to prevent the discrimination of one’s hair, failed to pass the House of Representatives Monday. Credit: Kent Nishimura/Los Angeles Times via TNS Shanelle White, a second-year in psychology and a member…

Passing stars warp star disks, disrupt planets

This animation shows a protoplanetary disk – a planet-forming disk – undergoing a warp from an outside gravitational influence. The warp disrupts the disk’s spiral structure, which, astronomers believe, is needed to form planets. Image…