Anti-Christian Sentiment Rises Within the ‘Conservative’ Establishment – The American

Tucker Carlson’s shocking dismissal from Fox News, where he reigned as a top personality with over three million nightly viewers, is a glaring symptom of a long-hidden cancer. Fox has, thus far, taken a $1 billion stock hit and lost countless subscribers to its Fox Nation streaming service since announcing Carlson is out. Vanity Fair reported Tuesday that Carlson’s recent speech on the “theological” war raging in America prompted Fox Corp. founder and leader Rupert Murdoch to fire his most popular on-air host. According to Vanity Fair’s Fox source, “That stuff freaks Rupert out. He doesn’t like all the spiritual talk.” As conservative commentator and outspoken Catholic author Matt Walsh summarized it, “Fox fired their number one host for being too Christian.” The implication is that Murdoch would rather dump a billion dollars in stock than employ an outspoken Christian.

Unfortunately, this is all too likely true. The “conservative” establishment has increasingly abandoned the Christian principles it once championed, embracing instead anti-Christian secularism at the highest levels. For example, as Walsh also noted, Bruce Jenner, the Olympic Gold medal-winning decathlete now wearing dresses and calling himself Caitlyn, is still employed by Fox as an on-air contributor. Gearing up for his 2024 presidential bid, former President Donald Trump signaled he’s abandoning his seemingly short-lived pro-life stance, calling abortion a “states’ rights” issue and refusing to address the systematic dismembering of countless unborn American babies. And despite cries of “bigot,” Trump has also been a proponent of the LGBT crowd. His son, Donald Trump, Jr., has said he’s “liberal” on transsexualism. American Conservative Union chairman Matt Schlapp, a self-described Catholic, has been exceedingly permissive of pro-gay propaganda and was even accused of sexually assaulting another man. Openly gay political commentator Dave Rubin and his husband have been congratulated by top conservative personalities for “starting a family” with two children born via surrogates. These are but a few of the most recent or most glaring examples of anti-Christian principles taking root amongst “conservative” leadership.

Whether refusing to fight against abortion, endorsing the LGBT lobby, or supporting Marxism lite, leaders and key players in the conservative movement have been replacing conservative principles with vacuous liberalism.

The expulsion of Tucker Carlson from the largest conservative cable network can then be seen as merely a symptom of the growing cancer infecting the upper echelons of conservatism. Carlson himself called out that cancer in the wake of his unexpected exit. In a video posted to Twitter on Thursday, he explained, “Both political parties … have reached consensus on what benefits them and they actively collude to shut down any conversation about it. Suddenly the United States looks very much like a one-party state.” In other words, the elite leaders of both the obvious Left and the self-proclaimed Right are, at this point, one and the same. The chief differentiation between Left and Right has heretofore been Christianity and adherence to Christian principles. With a host of active homosexuals, abortion apologists, and diet Marxists leading the Republican Party and a plurality of self-described conservative institutions, it’s safe to say that that differentiation has been erased.

So how do Christian conservatives respond to this growing cancer, this wanton uprooting of Christian principles from the political and even ideological arena? Take a page out of Tucker Carlson’s book: “When honest people say what’s true, calmly and without embarrassment, they become powerful.… True things prevail.”

That particular page of Carlson’s book bears a striking resemblance to pages upon pages of the history of the Catholic Church — namely, the Church’s long and storied history of martyrs. For centuries, Catholics have faced death for proclaiming the truth, calmly and without embarrassment, and they have become powerful. When Nero and Diocletian threw Christians to the lions, the Church grew. When Elizabeth I had priests hunted down and hanged, drawn, and quartered, young men flocked secretly to seminaries. A notable example from the past century is that of Blessed Miguel Pro, a Mexican Jesuit who was executed in the 1920s by the nation’s anti-Catholic government. After he was arrested on false charges and denied a trial, Pro was executed by a firing squad. President Plutarco Elías Calles had the execution photographed and printed on the front page of every newspaper, hoping to demoralize Catholics. His plan backfired and Pro’s final words, “Viva Cristo Rey,” became a rallying cry for Mexico’s oppressed Catholic population. Many more, inspired by the bold priest, were martyred for their faith.

Although today’s war against Christianity doesn’t often involve firing squads, the example of the martyrs bears out Carlson’s maxim, “True things prevail.”

Read More: Anti-Christian Sentiment Rises Within the ‘Conservative’ Establishment – The American