Letters to the Editor: The Civil War and Marko Rupnik – The American Spectator

Regarding “The Civil War I Grew Up With”:

R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. is one of the best contemporary conservative authors. I grew up with the Civil War, too! My grandfather was born in 1855, the youngest of my great-grandparents’ three children. He doubtless witnessed his father suiting up and riding off to Gettysburg in 1863. His parent’s home in Camden, New Jersey, was a way-stop on the Underground Railway. As a Quaker, my great-grandfather, a civil engineer, would not accept any pay for his service in the Union Army.

My grandfather married into a family with Southern roots, so my father was raised in the deep South. He actually knew freedmen as well as Confederate veterans. He told me tales.

I do have that great-grandfather’s sword and belt buckle, a few buttons from his uniform, and one picture of him.

With the erasure of or history, we lose many great men and the reconciliation of North and South after hostilities ended and we came back together as a nation of Americans.

Joseph Rush Wills, II


Regarding “Priest Accused of Serial Sexual Abuse Celebrates Public Mass, Possibly Violates Ministry Restrictions:

I have to disagree with Ms. Myler on Rupnik’s art. It is junk, effeminate in its representation of Jesus, and he uses shark eyes (dull and lifeless) for almost all his figures. Rehash upon rehash. The seasonal Catholic missalette, put out by Oregon Catholic Press, shows an example. My pastor says that the issue featuring him is headed for the dustbin soon enough.

It is all buyers’ remorse now for these conventual chapels. The stuff should be torn down as inferior monuments to Rupnik rather than an inspiration to worship. His art is like a bad poem: something you get at first glance and, so, is not satisfying. What an ego this guy has! Disobedient, because he has Francis as a fan.

Read More: Letters to the Editor: The Civil War and Marko Rupnik – The American Spectator