Ohio State’s Harry Miller discusses mental health battle on TODAY Show

(WCMH) — Former Ohio State offensive lineman Harry Miller was in New York Monday morning to discuss his mental health battle on the TODAY Show.

Miller medically retired from football earlier this month and shared a message on social media about the mental health battle he’s been fighting for months.

“Prior to the season last year, I told Coach [Ryan] Day of my intention to kill myself. He immediately had me touch with [two doctors] and I received the support I needed,” Miller wrote on Twitter. “I am a life preserved by the kindness that was offered to me by other when I could not produce kindness for myself.”

On the TODAY Show, Miller emotionally talked about his story and how it might encourage others to speak up and seek help.

“I realized the weight of words when I was preparing not to be able to say words anymore.” said Miller. “I’m just so grateful.

He added: “The dilemma is that nobody has to say something, but that is precisely why somebody has to say something.”

Contact the Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text “4HOPE” to their Crisis Textline at 741741.

Read More: Ohio State’s Harry Miller discusses mental health battle on TODAY Show