Nearly 200,000 jobs needed in Ohio to get to pre-pandemic levels

Ohio unemployment rate dropped to 4.3% in January, the lowest in nearly three years before the pandemic wrecked the economy.

Ohio’s unemployment rate, like the Columbus region’s, is now lower than it was before the pandemic began and wrecked the economy.

It’s a different story for jobs and the number of people with one or looking for one, even as employers continue to beg for workers.

Ohio’s unemployment rate in January was 4.3%, down from 4.5% in December, according to new state unemployment data.

The last time the unemployment rate was this low was February 2019, when the rate hit 4.2%.

Ohio’s unemployment rate was 4.6% in February 2020 right before the pandemic took off. Unemployment soared during the early days of the coronavirus, peaking at 16.4% in April. It has been falling steadily since.

The unemployment rate is so low because workers have dropped out of the labor force.

Read More: Nearly 200,000 jobs needed in Ohio to get to pre-pandemic levels