NEW NewsBusters Podcast: Russia and Leftist Climate Politics with Gabriella Hoffman

As Russia brutally invades Ukraine, extreme Western climate policies are giving Vladimir Putin more power in global politics. On the Podcast, we talk to Townhall columnist Gabriella Hoffman about her column insisting that if President Biden was serious about punishing Russia, “he would just impose harsher sanctions; he’s equally scale back his extreme climate agenda.”

In other words, Greta Thunberg & Co. is making the world an easier mark for Putin. You might have seen Gabby on her YouTube page or heard her podcast “District of Conservation.” 

Hoffman grew up in Southern California, but her parents immigrated from Lithuania, so she knows quite a bit about Russian imperialism (pick your era). We discuss Putin’s designs on the Baltic nations and Stephen Gutowski’s report for The Reload about the expansion of gun rights in Ukraine, and Nick Fondacaro’s blog on how the networks either ignored or underplayed the gun rights at play on the ground there. 

Gabby and Stephen Gutowski are both former interns at the Media Research Center! We’re so proud to play a small role at the start of their careers. Enjoy the podcast below, or wherever you listen to podcasts. 


Read More: NEW NewsBusters Podcast: Russia and Leftist Climate Politics with Gabriella Hoffman