Manchin digs in against filibuster reform as Biden holds anniversary press conference –

Making his case in defense of the filibuster, Joe Manchin said the Senate should stay on voting rights and have an extended debate on the topic until it could reach some kind of bipartisan consensus.

“We don’t have to change the rules to make the case to the American people about voting rights,” Manchin said in his Senate floor speech moments ago.

“We could have kept voting rights as pending business for the Senate. Today, a week, a month from now. This is important. Let’s work it out. Let’s stay here and go at it.”

Such a proposal ignores the reality that nearly all of the Republican caucus has expressed no interest in negotiating over the specific policies in the Democratic bills. Manchin reportedly spent weeks trying to find GOP support for the measures and was unable to find any.

Just one Republican, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, voted in support of the proposal to restore a key provision of the Voting Rights Act.

Republicans have railed against the voting rights bill in broad terms, saying that it is federal overreach. The US constitution explicitly authorizes Congress to set rules for federal elections.


Manchin doubles down on opposition to filibuster reform

As Joe Biden took questions from reporters at his press conference, Joe Manchin delivered a Senate floor speech on voting rights and filibuster reform.

Manchin dug in on his support for the filibuster, making it clear he would not vote to change the procedure to support voting rights reform.

Getting rid of the rule, Manchin said, would be “perilous” for the Senate and the US.

ABC News Politics

Sen. Joe Manchin criticizes fellow Democrats for wanting to use the “nuclear option to override a rule that we have used ourselves but now seem to find unacceptable.”

January 19, 2022

“I will not vote to eliminate or weaken the filibuster. The filibuster plays an important role in protecting our democracy from the transitory passions of the majority and respecting the input of the minority in the Senate,” Manchin said.

“For those who believe bipartisanship is impossible, we have proven them wrong. Ending the filibuster would be the easy way out. I cannot support such a perilous course for this nation when elected leaders are sent to Washington to unite our country by putting politics and party aside.”

Manchin’s speech came hours before Democrats were set to vote on sweeping voting rights legislation that is doomed to fail because Republicans are unified in their opposition to the measure, denying it the 60 votes needed to move forward.

Manchin and fellow Democrat Kyrsten Sinema have been stalwart in their refusal to make changes to the filibuster, which Democrats say Republicans have weaponized as a tool of obstruction in recent years.

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Read More: Manchin digs in against filibuster reform as Biden holds anniversary press conference –