Power Outages Affect City, County Of Napa

NAPA COUNTY, CA — Power outages were affecting the city of Napa and a significant portion of Napa County on Tuesday night.

As of 8:30 p.m., there were three outages in the city of Napa alone, affecting 1,464 customers, according to PG&E’s website. It was not immediately clear whether the outages were connected to the rotating blackouts that PG&E advised were likely Tuesday night in its service territory.

The outages were causing many traffic signals to flash red or not work at all, according to the Napa County Office of Emergency Services.

The Napa Police Department confirmed the outages at 6:52 p.m., advised motorists to use caution at intersections without functional traffic signals.

“California law requires if a traffic signal is out of order, drivers should stop and treat it as if there are stop signs in all directions,” Napa police said.

Read More: Power Outages Affect City, County Of Napa