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Do Cancer Centers Push Too Many Tests?

Say a postcard arrives in the mail, a reminder to make an appointment for a mammogram. Or a primary care doctor orders a PSA test to screen a man for prostate cancer, or tells him that because of his years of smoking, he should be…

Students share perspectives on pandemic timeline

COVID-19 slowly became a cause for concern as cases began to pop up around Ohio, causing Ohio State to initially cancel in-person classes for a three-week period following spring break March 9, 2020. Credit: Amani Bayo | Lantern…

These Simple Home Health Tests Are Actually Worth Trying

Photo: New Africa (Shutterstock)We know that if we want to maintain our health, prevention and early detection of diseases or disorders is key. Still, seeing a physician regularly can be expensive and logistically challenging—and a lot

GOP tests midterm message not focused on Trump grievances

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — The Republican Party’s leading conservatives have spent several days in Florida focused on the issues they believe will help the GOP retake control of Congress this fall — and perhaps the White House soon…