Immaculée Ilibagiza, a light at the bottom of the bottomless human depravity pit

Prior to going to the pastor’s home, Immaculée’s father, a devout Catholic, gave her a set of rosary beads. She began to pray the rosary as a way of drowning out the anger inside her, and the evil outside the house. It was that turning point towards God and away from hate that saved Immaculée

Immaculée credits praying the Holy Rosary to drown out the anger inside her, and the evil outside, during the Rwanda Genocide as a turning point towards God and away from hate that saved her. 

Despite the fact that the culture in Central and South Africa’s is based on Hammurabi’s Code: An Eye for an Eye, as evidenced by the  frequent mention of the rule of law in the wake of what has been described as a state under the control of the criminal elite.

“But what credit is there if you are patient when beaten for doing wrong? But if you are patient when you suffer for doing what is good, this is a grace before God.

For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example that you should follow in his footsteps.

He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.

When he was insulted, he returned no insult; when he suffered, he did not threaten; instead, he handed himself over to the one who judges justly.”

1 Peter Chapter 2

Few words  evoke such gut-wrenching emotions as “genocide  ” It’s a term laden with pain, loss, and unspeakable suffering. It’s a dark chapter in human history, the depravity of man – that we should never take lightly. Human Trafficking and Human Exploitation are not top far behind.

“Never again” is a term associated with the lessons of the Holocaust, used by liberated prisoners at Buchenwald concentration camp to express anti-fascist sentiment. It was popularized by Rabbi Meir Kahane in his 1971 book, Never Again!I  sadly, Never Again, like No One is Above the Law, have become meaningless buzzwords.

The late Swiss theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar says we can choose to live an Ego-Drama, where everything we do revolves around ourselves and no one else; we write the script, we produce it and we star in it. Or we can live a Theo-Drama where  everything we do revolves around God. He writes the script.  He produces it.  We are merely a supporting cast.

Human depravity is clearly not only a result of the Ego-Drama but the demonic. As Bishop Robert Barron writes: “What are the signs of the demonic?  “What are the ways the demonic appears? Look at the names the Bible gives the devils, called in the Greek δῐᾰ́βολος (diabolos), diablo in Spanish, and le diable in French; διαβάλλειν (diaballein) means “to cast apart,” “to throw apart,” “to scatter.” The great sign of the demonic is scattering. God is a great gathering force. Whenever things come together, when a community forms, that is a sign of the Holy Spirit. The scattering power is a sign of the darker powers. When families get scattered, when business organizations, communities, and cultures get divided, that comes from the demonic.” 

While the twentieth century,  was the bloodiest century in the history of the world. Not just because there was a holocaust with six million Jews slaughtered in Germany, but because there were millions more killed by Stalin across the Soviet Union. And then there was Mao Zedong and the millions killed under his regime in China. And then there was roughly twenty percent of the population of Cambodia wiped out under Pol Pot. There were 800,000 Tutsi slaughtered in Rwanda. And, of course, there have been over forty million unborn babies killed in the United States since Roe v. Wade in 1973. Honorable mention goes to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine and the Gaza Conflict.

Gaza Conflict.

The systematic killing of ethnic Darfuri people which has occurred during the ongoing conflict in Western Sudan, the Darfur Genocide has become known as the first genocide of the 21st century.  Over 2.8 million civilians have been displaced and the death toll is estimated to number 300,000.

China is engaged in an human rights abuses which are being perpetrated against the Uyghur people and other ethnic and religious minorities which live both in and around the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) of the People’s Republic of China. Since 2014 China has the interned  more than one million people currently being held in secretive internment camps without any legal process, the majority of them are Uyghurs, in what has become the largest-scale detention of ethnic and religious minorities since the Holocaust.

Myanmar’s government has been accused of genocide against the Rohingya minority.  On 25 August 2017, the Myanmar military forces and local Buddhist extremists attacked the  Rohingya people and committing atrocities  including looting and burning down Rohingya villages, mass killing of Rohingya civilians, gang rapes, and other sexual violence.

In 1994, members of the Hutu tribe slaughtered between 800,000 to one million of their Tutsi neighbors, people with whom they had lived for decades, sharing culture, language, religion, and their poverty.

And faced with threats of ethnic cleansing by Muslims in 2023. and struggling amid a nine-month long blockade, 100,400 ethnic Armenians, representing 99% of the remaining population of Nagorno-Karabakh, fled by the end of September 2023, leaving a couple dozen people within the region.

In the March 2024 UN factfinding mission Sara Hossain declared they found Iranian regime doing systematic egregious widespread institutionalized crimes against humanity of large scale, 551 killed in 2021-2022 Woman, Life, Freedom uprising , they also executed 834 people in 2023.

Russian Invasion of Ukraine

The Biden Administration lost more than $1 billion worth of weapons sent to Ukraine – As casualties keep mounting with over 200 000 Russian and Ukranian soldiers killed and  or wounded abd 30% of Ukranians displaced. Ukraine is also waging a War On Christianity, not unlike  the one in the USA: War correspondents-  CNN,  NYT and  the rest of the legacy media are not covering the war wall to wall 24X7 like all previous wars. And reporters like  Gonzalo Lira canceled on Trump-ed up charges then killed.

How the war started:  The Russian invasion was provoked by the NATO, enabled by China, corrupt media, politicians, #militaryindustrialcomplex, corporate greed and  feckless, NATO and USA leadership

The Legacy Media and politicians mocked and or  condemned Elon Musk’s proposed peace plan, because as Putin declared  On 24 February 2022: “Russia is going to win the war in weeks” – we are coming up on years!

The Chinese government said it would not provide weapons to Russia to support the invasion now or in the future.  Then proposes a peace plan, while arming Russia. Apr 14, 2023.

Who benefits?:  Follow the money. A protracted war only benefits the enablers.

Child Exploitation 

An estimated 27% of human trafficking victims are children.  Child trafficking is any exploitation of a child for the purpose of forced labor or sex.  It’s a form of modern perverted slavery that can trap a child in a living nightmare for years.

While the Philippines is one of the largest known sources of children exploitation with estimates of 60,000 to 100,000 children exploited, often, these children either go to work in child sex rings in the Philippines or are trafficked abroad as sex workers, child trafficking is not restricted to the developing world. On the contrary, the exploitation of children for forced labor or sex is alive and well in the United States.

California, for example has consistently had the highest number of human trafficking cases. 1,334 cases were reported in 2021, while 1,507 cases were recorded in the previous. Worse: the people who are supposed to protect the children, seem more interested in protecting the predators: Ghislaine Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years in prison for the sex-trafficking ring of young teens she helped financier Jeffrey Epstein run for a decade.Yet, not a single John has been publicly identified.

Subtle Human Depravity

NPR’s Michael Copley reported on the Recycle Hoax:  “recycling cannot go on indefinitely, and does not solve the solid waste problem. No big deal, right? Wrong.  Why this is referred to  as subtle human depravity or systemic humanism. There’s no such a thing as “systemic racism.” If anything, it’s systemic humanism:  systemic search for power and wealth, no matter the cost. The focus on the Ego-Drama. John Kerry says
“We have got to cut down on farming due to climate change, or people are going to starve”.  While California Governor Gavin Newsom says”Let them eat bugs”.  The yearly carbon footprint average in the…

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