Kendrick Perkins Got Thrown Out of an AAU Game, ESPN Has the Footage

AAU officiating is a big topic on NBA Twitter today and things are heating up even more as the day progresses. Now we’ve learned that Kendrick Perkins was tossed out of an AAU game he was coaching this weekend for arguing with an official. And his NBA Today colleagues unearthed footage of the incident.

Check this out:

Just amazing.

I think the best part of this isn’t that an ESPN personality got thrown out of an AAU game, it’s that the game clearly involved young children. This wasn’t a high-stakes high school tournament. It was for kids.

Just hilarious.

Having played AAU ball (a long time ago), and having covered some big AAU events, I can attest to the officiating being spotty at best. But these are offseason, club team tournaments. The stakes are incredibly low for most of the people involved. Unless you’re a high-level recruit attempting to get noticed, the tournaments had a distinct summer camp feel to them. More fun than stressful. The officiating almost always reflects that.

Read More: Kendrick Perkins Got Thrown Out of an AAU Game, ESPN Has the Footage