Trump-Supporter Rudy Giuliani Attacked by DC Bar – The American Spectator

Shocking — or not. The D.C. Bar is now going after Trump-supporter Rudy Giuliani, former New York City mayor and U.S. attorney.

Here’s the headline, one of several, this one from the Washington Examiner:

Disciplinary committee for DC Bar Association recommends Giuliani be disbarred over ‘destructive’ 2020 election actions 

The story says:

A disciplinary committee for the D.C. Bar Association recommended that former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani be disbarred due to his “destructive” activity around the 2020 election.

In a 40-page decision, the committee for the District of Columbia Board on Professional Responsibility ruled that Giuliani had inflicted severe damage against the justice system by pursuing “frivolous” and “destructive” lawsuits during the 2020 election.

To read this 40-page jewel produced by supposedly “professional” attorneys is to read 40 pages of political fiction written by left-wing Trump-hating lawyers.

The report is signed by three people:

  1. Robert C. Bernius, Esq., Chair — Would that be the same Robert C. Bernius listed here as making repeated 2008 contributions to “Obama for America”?
  2. Carolyn Haynesworth-Murrell, listed as the board’s “Public Member” — Would that be the same Carolyn Haynesworth-Murrell identified here as follows: “Party Affiliation: Democratic Party”?
  3. Jay A. Brozost, listed as the board’s “Attorney Member” — Is that the same Jay Brozost who is listed here as “currently a registered Democrat”?


Could that be the reason that in the entire report demanding that Giuliani be disbarred because he “attempted unjustifiably and without precedent to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvania voters” — they mysteriously fall silent about Pennsylvania’s long and documented problems with voter fraud? That are precedent in voter fraud for sure? (READ MORE from Jeffrey Lord: When Will Ben & Jerry’s Return Its Stolen Land?)

Let’s refresh the public record that these three Democrat activists using the D.C. Bar as a cover for a political vendetta curiously don’t mention. A public record discussed in detail right here in this space — and easily findable if the D.C. Bar committee were serious about voter fraud in Pennsylvania rather than focused on targeting the Trump-supporting Giuliani. As noted, I pointed out the following:

In the 2016, 2015, 2014, 2012, and 2008 elections, not to mention back there in the dinosaur age of 1994, there were repeated examples of voter fraud in Pennsylvania. All seriously documented. Here’s a list of specifics.

  • In 2020, a former Democratic Judge of Elections in Philadelphia, Domenick J. DeMuro, was convicted in federal court for his role in “accepting bribes to cast fraudulent ballots and certifying false voting results during the 2014, 2015, and 2016 primary elections in Philadelphia,” according to the U.S. Attorney for Eastern Pennsylvania. Here is the press release from the Department of Justice.
  • Two months later, in July, the same U.S. Attorney announced that former U.S. Congressman Michael “Ozzie” Myers, a Philadelphia Democrat, was indicted on “multiple counts, including conspiring to violate voting rights by fraudulently stuffing the ballot boxes for specific Democratic candidates in the 2014, 2015, and 2016 Pennsylvania primary elections, bribery of an election official, falsification of records, voting more than once in federal elections, and obstruction of justice.” The bribery charge, by the way, was about Myers paying the election judge DeMuro to rig voting machines. Here is the press release from the Department of Justice.
  • In 2012, the Philadelphia Inquirer headlined this a few days after the Obama-Romney election: “In 59 Philadelphia voting divisions, Mitt Romney got zero votes. It’s one thing for a Democratic presidential candidate to dominate a Democratic city like Philadelphia, but check out this head-spinning figure: In 59 voting divisions in the city, Mitt Romney received not one vote. Zero. Zilch.” Which is to say, this is a statistical impossibility without voter fraud.
  • In 2008 there was this in October in the middle of the Obama-McCain contest. I covered a press conference at the Pennsylvania State Capitol held by a retired Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice, the Dauphin County (Harrisburg) District Attorney, and the then-Pennsylvania Republican State Chairman, who said: “‘Between March 23rd and October 1st, various groups, including ACORN, submitted over 252,595 registrations to the Philadelphia County Election Board’ with 57,435 rejected for faulty information. ‘Most of these registrations were submitted by ACORN, and rejected due to fake social security numbers, incorrect dates of birth, clearly fraudulent signatures, addresses that do not exist, and duplicate registrations. In one case, a man was registered to vote more than 15 times since the Primary election. Voter fraud is no longer just a Philadelphia problem,’ said State GOP Chairman Rob Gleason, as ‘ACORN was targeting key counties across the state.’”
  • Then there was this jewel of a voter fraud story from a 1994 special election for a Philadelphia seat in the Pennsylvania State Senate. The New York Times reported this, bold print supplied: “Saying Philadelphia’s election system had collapsed under ‘a massive scheme’ by Democrats to steal a State Senate election in November, a Federal judge today took the rare step of invalidating the vote and ordered the seat filled by the Republican candidate.… Judge Newcomer ruled that the Democratic campaign of William G. Stinson had stolen the election from Bruce S. Marks in North Philadelphia’s Second Senatorial District through an elaborate fraud in which hundreds of residents were encouraged to vote by absentee ballot even though they had no legal reason — like a physical disability or a scheduled trip outside the city — to do so.”

In other words? In Pennsylvania, voter fraud — which is genuine voter suppression — is as common as winter snow in Erie.

In other words? The D.C. Bar’s Board on Professional Responsibility — run by three Democrats — is stone-cold silent on the history of voter fraud in Pennsylvania. A history that would give both Rudy Giuliani and his client, former President Donald Trump, every reason to challenge the honesty of the 2020 election returns in Pennsylvania.

Blind as bats, the D.C. Bar’s insular Board on Professional Responsibility has zero ability to see that in bringing this disbarment proceeding against Giuliani it has only managed to utterly destroy the credibility of the board itself — revealing it to be nothing more than a board of partisan hackery with zero respect for the law, not to mention the facts.

In fact? If anyone should be disbarred, it should be the signers of this report.

Imagine that.

Read More: Trump-Supporter Rudy Giuliani Attacked by DC Bar – The American Spectator