The Wonderfully Awful Empty Suit Named Kamala Harris – The American Spectator

She put the vice in vice president long before she got the job, which everyone already knows, but Kamala Harris doesn’t have any quit in her.

That’s a problem. Harris just gets worse and worse, and the rancid presidential administration she’s allowed to be a part of can’t seem to bring itself to hide her away.

So last week, when the Republican leadership in the Tennessee General Assembly got it almost perfectly right when it voted to shed a couple of Democrat legislators who did something not dissimilar to what Harris did in 2020, namely encouraging rioters, Harris made it worse.

You’ll remember that Harris, amid the breakout of the George Floyd riots around the country, went on late-night TV and sang the praises of Antifa and Black Lives Matter as they burned down city after city…

So we know she’s pro-rioter.

Except for when it comes to Jan. 6. That was an “insurrection” and a “dismantling” of democracy.

Kamala Harris didn’t have any bail money for the Jan. 6 protesters. She had plenty for the George Floyd gang, including for people who maimed and killed innocents as soon as they got out of jail.

Therefore, it was no surprise that Harris went down to the Volunteer State after the Legislature there voted to expel a pair of leftists named Justin Jones and Justin Pearson last week following their antics on the floor of the House of Representatives, which included a bullhorn and 45 minutes of screaming about gun control.

And Harris literally couldn’t have been dumber or more obnoxious on her trip. The speech she gave was so devoid of truth and reality as to make your head spin.

She paid tribute to people who did exactly what the Jan. 6 protesters (insurrectionists?) did. She had zero time for the families of the six people shot and killed by that transgender lunatic in Nashville who started this disaster. Listening to Harris, you’d think the trans people were the victims of the Nashville massacre when it was the Christians who were slaughtered by one of the trans crowd.

Who had her guns illegally, owing the fact that she was diagnosed with a mental illness and failed to disclose that before buying those weapons.

And to follow that up with a riot in the state capitol because the Legislature wasn’t interested in taking arms away from those who legally own them?

Harris supports all of this. So do the Democrat political machines in Nashville and Memphis, where the local city councils are voting Jones and Pearson back into the Legislature as interim replacements for themselves. That happened at Harris’ inspiration.

Tennessee House Speaker Cameron Sexton was right to strike a blow by getting rid of Jones and Pearson, even if it was just for a few days. At least, what happened was more like a turbocharged censure for two of the worst state legislators in America (if you don’t know anything about Jones, let me help: see here, here, and here).

But this was always going to be a mess, and it looks like Sexton was too willing to disengage from the fight. He said after the Nashville city council voted Jones back into his seat — Tennessee law allows for the local governing body where a state legislator came from to choose the replacement for an expelled member — that there was nothing else he could do, and he’s probably right. Though nobody can stop him from stripping Jones and Pearson from their committee assignments, which was the first thing he did to them.

The other mistake he made was in not ensuring that Gloria Johnson, the white woman who joined Jones and Pearson in disrupting the House’s session, was also expelled. Johnson probably would have been permanently tossed, as Knoxville, where she’s from, isn’t quite the Democrat-run sewer that Memphis and Nashville are.

Johnson only survived because the vote to expel her was held second, rather than third, and Pearson was able to provide the deciding vote to defeat the two-thirds supermajority required for her expulsion. Six weak Republicans voted to let her stay, largely because she made the case that she hadn’t really done anything and didn’t actually use the bullhorn. Johnson basically threw Jones and Pearson under the bus in trying to save herself. And no sooner did she survive than she ran to every media organization in Tennessee and the nation at large and claimed her survival mostly came because she was white.

Which should have resulted in a second vote for her removal, and that is something Sexton can be criticized for.

Harris went to Tennessee and encouraged all of this misbehavior. Because of course she did. She’s the worst politician in America. She’s one of the dumbest people ever to hold such high office; she’s where she is because of a “relationship” with California’s former House Speaker and political poo-bah Willie Brown and because of her ethnicity. She’s generally hated by the American people who have taken her measure, and she gets assigned to handle all the things it’s thought that her utter incompetence can’t make worse.

But she does make them worse. Which in this case is a good thing.

Kamala Harris has hardened Republicans in Tennessee even more than Jones, Pearson, and Johnson could have. From now on, the rioters at that capitol, who aren’t likely to stop, are likely to find increasingly negative consequences for their actions.

They’re going to win fewer and fewer elections there. Tennessee got redder as a result of Harris’ stupid speech. Which guarantees Tennessee’s Democrats a time in the wilderness.

Perhaps that was always going to happen. But it has happened, and Kamala Harris is responsible.

It’s irritating, but it’s for the best. And what we’ve learned is that Harris and the hardcore Democrats who still think she’s swell have no limits to the degradation and lunacy their party is wont to engage in. She’s for all of it, and so are they.

Let’s hope the rest of America is paying attention.

Read More: The Wonderfully Awful Empty Suit Named Kamala Harris – The American Spectator