Simulator at Mastodon Golf Club adds ‘realism’ to winter

HEATH — Annetta Macedonia received just a taste of the golf course last fall, returning from a long eight-month layoff after spinal surgery.

Another long wait through the offseason to pick up the clubs was frustrating, but Macedonia now has an outlet. She is a player in the Monday night ladies league at Mastodon Golf Club, using the course’s new virtual technology.

“I see it maybe a little differently as someone, but I hope to keep my flexibility and come time for golf season, I don’t feel like I am trying to regain my strength, my rhythm and my tempo,” Macedonia said. “For someone that is recovering over the winter, this is a good alternative.”

Rickie Sue Grunden, front, watches her drive while Annetta Macedonia prepares to hit on the new GSPro simulators at Mastodon Golf Club on Monday, Feb. 6, 2023. Tee times are available for leagues or events.

Mastodon, which is under new ownership from the previous Burning Tree Golf Course on Ridgely Tract Road, installed three GSPro simulators at the end of the fall season. The room in the clubhouse was completely remodeled and with a wall and door added that can be closed from the bar area.

Read More: Simulator at Mastodon Golf Club adds ‘realism’ to winter