As hunting and fishing seasons end, still plenty to do

Nobody can say with certainty what lies ahead, although a safe guess at the start of an Ohio January would be frigid weather.

Some like it cold. Ice fishermen prefer an extended freeze. The arrival of ice and snow, nonetheless, signals the beginning of many outdoors endings. Some hunting seasons already are finished.

The deer season’s last rush concludes one-half hour after sunset Tuesday with the close of the four-day muzzleloader hunt. Bow hunters have until Feb. 5 to fill a tag.

Hikers enjoy a different, snowy side of a park during this winter hike.

The pheasant season ends today. Duck, coot and merganser hunters have a go through Jan. 29. Squirrels, foxes, raccoons, opossum and weasels may be hunted through Jan. 31.

Trappers as well as hunters of geese and rabbit have a bit longer.

Hunting and fishing aren’t the only paths to the outdoors. Backpackers, hikers, trail bikers, wildlife watchers and photographers willing to adjust for the elements can find appealingly empty landscapes to roam during winter months.

Read More: As hunting and fishing seasons end, still plenty to do