Tarot Card Reading Horoscope for the Week of December 19, 2022

You don’t need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here’s what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces, plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!


seven of wands tarot card

Hearst Owned

Competition doesn’t have to be a negative or challenging thing. It can also be inspiring, pushing you to find reserves of determination and strength you might not have discovered otherwise The Seven of Wands urges us all to seek out company, collaboration, and competition in order to bring out the best in ourselves and reach a goal. You can do it!


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nine of wands tarot card

Hearst Owned

Whatever it is that you’ve been worrying about, the Nine of Wands reassures you that it will all be okay. In fact, you will wonder why you tortured yourself about this for so long. So, face it. Face whatever you think your biggest obstacle is right now, blast past it this week, and then celebrate! Once you’ve tackled this, you’re almost done. Don’t delay.


four of cups

Hearst Owned

You’ve got a bad case of FOMO, Taurus. You’re imagining that everyone else is having a better time than you right now. But envy is not good. The Four of Cups asks you to zoom in and focus on your own world. You are already wealthy in the things that count. Appreciate your life. Show gratitude. Feel great.


the tarot card the three of pentacles, showing three hands holding out golden clocks

Hearst Owned

You’ve always been popular, Gemini, and you’re especially so this week. People are coming out of nowhere to give you compliments, invite you to parties, and catch up. It’s nice to be admired. Savor the feeling. Share the love and let others know you appreciate them, too. The Three of Pentacles reveals you are in a good spot. Enjoy it.


the tarot card the king of wands, showing a golden key over a full moon

Hearst Owned

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to spice it up a bit, Cancer. Nothing at all. The King of Wands sees you starting an adventure this week. It’s something that gets your heart beating and your blood pumping. The King of Wands brings you the right blend of confidence, cockiness, and charm to pull it off, too. So, dare to dream. Make a bold leap. Send the application in. Pitch your idea. Make the proposal. Ask them out. Do it, do it, do it!


the devil tarot card, showing two hands making devil horns over slightly smiling lips in a starry sky

Hearst Owned

The Devil is a tricky character, and how you receive this card depends on your frame of mind. It’s about taking ownership for your actions: Good, bad, and indifferent. If you’re going to do something risky, negative, or dangerous… well, that’s your choice, but you have to take responsibility for whatever happens. So, if you don’t want the consequences, then don’t do it. If, on the other hand, you’re in a dangerous mood, then go right ahead (but know it’s on you, Leo).


the fool tarot card showing two bottom halves of faces over a golden picture frame

Hearst Owned

It’s time for a clean slate. Virgo, the Fool welcomes you to embark upon a new adventure that is totally about your own pleasure, inspiration, or fulfillment. It doesn’t have to be sensible, practical, or even well-planned. Just start! The path will form as you take each step. Don’t worry too much about what’s coming or how you’ll do it all. Just take that first step and then worry about the next one. Have fun!


the moon tarot card showing a hand holding out a full moon

Hearst Owned

You need to look at things differently, Libra. You have some traits, habits, or self-beliefs that aren’t entirely fair, justified or right… and yet you do not see that. The Moon invites you to try to see yourself as others see you and make a change. Ask close friends for feedback. Talk about it. Ask for examples. This isn’t a negative thing, this is a revelation about an unconscious habit of yours that, if tweaked, could make your life better and improve relationships. Get to it.


the tarot card the eight of swords, showing eight gold pens behind cutouts of lips and diamonds

Hearst Owned

The Eight of Swords reminds you to take your experiences at face value, without projecting anxiety, fears, self-beliefs onto them. Don’t make things worse by overthinking them. Don’t add your own bias. Just let reality be reality, without all of the extra ~sauce~. During the holiday season, we tend to encounter people we’ve pre-judged. Take a fresh look this year. People change. Let them be different. See your family, friends, and old acquaintances with new eyes.


the tarot card the hierophant, showing half of a woman's face next to a diamond

Hearst Owned

You want to feel a sense of belonging and understanding this week, Sagittarius. You want to join in and feel needed and appreciated. That’s okay. That’s what the holidays ignites in many people. So, find your people, do your thing, and reconnect with people and places that make you feel safe, understood, and happy. The Hierophant reminds us that we are not alone. You are part of something bigger.


six of cups tarot card

Hearst Owned

Nostalgia can be a beautiful thing, albeit tinged with a little sadness. Inevitably, the longer we live, the more we lose. The Six of Cups invites you to reawaken the past this week, especially the positive and happy parts of it that you remember with fondness. If you can reconnect with people, do so. This is a time for reunions and rekindling of old friendships. If you can’t reconnect, then honor that memory. Make peace with your past.


the king of cups tarot card, showing a golden goblet on a starry background with a full moon and crown shaped diamond behind it

Hearst Owned

Sometimes, the holidays can evoke sadness and loneliness for people. It’s as tough a time as it is happy. The King of Cups asks you to share your joy, warmth, and kindness this week, as far and wide as possible. Be there for others. Check in. Call them. Say hi. Invite people over. Bake cookies for your neighbor. Be a bright light in what, for some, can be a very dark week. You are strong, wise, and intuitive. Use your powers to make your corner of Earth a happier spot.


the tarot card the empress, showing a woman's face doubled over a diamond mirror

Hearst Owned

It’s all about love, family, creativity, and home for you this week. Make wherever you are feel cozy, safe, imaginative, magical, and sparkly. Get involved in local festivities. Spend time with loved ones. Give to others. Share your love and it will be returned tenfold. The loving Empress reminds you that is the time of year to revel in the wonderful relationships you’ve been building all year long. You, Pisces, are very very loved.

Read More: Tarot Card Reading Horoscope for the Week of December 19, 2022