Brutality Beckons in Beijing, Poltroonery Prevails in Washington – The American Spectator

Kevin McCarthy might not ultimately manage to become the Speaker of the House. He has some 20 members of the Republican caucus who are firm opponents of his ascension to succeed Nancy Pelosi, and McCarthy’s allies are howling that if those reticent Republicans don’t come around there will be Democrat votes that decide who the next speaker will be.

That’s a mess partly of McCarthy’s making, given that he’s resisting demands from the House Freedom Caucus to bring the body back to something akin to regular order and to institute some much-needed reforms, banning things like omnibus bills (most state legislatures have single-subject rules or a requirement that all parts of a bill be germane to its main thrust) or limiting how much insider stock trading members might engage in. If he doesn’t manage to get the job, it’s on him for failing to meet the standard a growing number of revivalist conservatives in his caucus are setting.

Be that as it may, McCarthy was exactly right on Monday when he tweeted this:

If you haven’t paid attention to what’s happening in China, and you can be excused for that since American legacy corporate media is doing everything it can to hide it from you — a perusal of CBS News’ website on Tuesday, for example, would tell you all you could want to know about soccer victories over Iran, Hawaiian volcanic eruptions, and the death of Die Hard and Walker, Texas Ranger co-star Clarence Gilyard but nothing whatsoever about the Middle Kingdom — you’ll know that things have begun to erupt there.

The Chinese government, which is increasingly not just a fascist thugocracy but a totalitarian dictatorship ruled by a single man who looks eerily like the children’s cartoon favorite Winnie the Pooh, has imposed draconian COVID lockdowns once again on its people. But the people aren’t having it.

This seems to be what got the whole thing started:

Urumqi is the principal city of the Xinjiang region. That’s the scene of the Chinese regime’s genocidal campaign against the Uighur minority. So naturally the imposition of a COVID lockdown, together with the barbaric practice of welding shut the doors of apartment buildings to keep the residents inside where they’ll perhaps perish for lack of provisions, would be part of the regime’s arsenal.

We’re three years past the origin of COVID in a government virology lab in Wuhan, the product of Frankenstein-esque gain-of-function research disgracefully funded by a U.S. government nonprofit contractor, and the Chinese regime continues to brutalize and murder its own people with the virus as a pretext.

This after that same regime deliberately and intentionally spread the virus worldwide and in so doing murdered the better part of seven million people. If that sounds like too strong of a statement, you’re welcome to characterize in a different way its decision to allow international travel in and out of the Wuhan airport for weeks after the COVID bug escaped from that lab while locking the city down to domestic travel. I’ll call that murder, thank you, and pin the responsibility for it on the Winnie the Pooh lookalike who heads that regime.

There are problems with these events, of course, and McCarthy is spot on in recognizing them. Because this was Team Biden’s response to the breakout of protest all over China:

Boy, Tucker Carlson didn’t have a whole lot of use for that mumbling gibberish:

Carlson is right to ding the NBA for its corporate cowardice with respect to China. But he missed a spot. After all, we should make sure to include Apple as part of this approbation — the same Apple which has dumped its Twitter advertising because Elon Musk has dared to open that platform back up as a medium for free speech.

Which, as you can see from the above tweets, includes the sharing of news and video about the pro–human rights protests in China.

Apple is now threatening to pull Twitter from its app store, despite the fact that Twitter is now rapidly growing and has a significant rush of engagement happening on its platform — all the while seeing “hate speech” declining greatly as a percentage of the content posted by its users.

And yet this was the scene at the Foxconn factory in China where most of Apple’s iPhone products are made:

And what was Apple’s response to the trouble in China?

Well, isn’t that something?

Don’t bother boycotting Apple — they don’t have much of anything to sell you right now anyway seeing as though the Foxconn peasants (they’re literally peasants tied to the land now that they’re locked down in company dormitories at the Foxconn factory) are revolting.

Which might just pose a systemic risk to American markets, by the way.

So here you have corporate America, which has gotten itself so in bed with communist China and its bloodthirsty Winnie the Pooh dictatorship that it’s actively helping to crush a popular revolt based on the universal yearning for basic human rights, while at the same time it’s engaged in trying to crush a pro-liberty corporate takeover of a social app that functions as America’s online town square.

And the U.S. government, which has been billed for more than 100 years as the world’s greatest guarantor of human liberty and basic civil rights, has nothing whatsoever to say about the Chinese riots and crackdowns — while it continues jailing Jan. 6 protesters guilty of, essentially, trespassing without bail or trial, threatens an investigation of Elon Musk for his having bought Twitter, and launches a baseless prosecution of a former president of the United States for no other reason than to try to hinder his attempts at running again in 2024.

Up is down, black is white, and the trees are full of bananas.

Our elites are trash. Cultural, economic, and political. They’re trash. Change — real change — is coming. It has to. Those protests in China, which will be violently crushed by the Winnie the Pooh minions in hazmat suits, if not by the real thugs the regime employs, are nevertheless the endgame…

Read More: Brutality Beckons in Beijing, Poltroonery Prevails in Washington – The American Spectator