Columbus panel to look at worker diversity in construction projects

Major City of Columbus construction projects, like the Linden Park Community Center shown here in this June 2022 photo, would be reviewed by a nine-member advisory committee for diverse hiring goals, impact on neighborhoods and other recommendations.

The Columbus City Council on Monday created a nine-member committee designed to make recommendations on adding goals for hiring female, minority and local workers on larger city construction projects that utilize “project labor agreements,” which are pre-hire agreements with trades unions.

The new Community Benefits Agreement Advisory Committee will make nonbinding recommendations to the mayor on when such inclusion goals should be sought from construction companies and labor unions. But it doesn’t appear the city will have to worry about unwelcome proposals: four of the nine members will represent the mayor’s office or various departments under the mayor, while the fifth and deciding member will represent City Council.

The other four committee members will represent trade unions and “groups historically underrepresented” in the construction industry, the ordinance says.

Read More: Columbus panel to look at worker diversity in construction projects