Letter to the editor | Are we better off with Democrats? | Readers Forum

The so-called Inflation Reduction Bill was just passed with partisan (all democratic) support in both houses.

This was after the independent congressional budget office said the bill will not reduce inflation and could increase inflation in 2023.

The Joint Committee on Taxation said this bill’s burden on middle and lower income Americans is so great that any slight relief in this bill would be out weighed by the tax increase on these groups.

Joe Manchin admitted after the bill was signed, said this won’t do anything to lower inflation now, it will take some time.

When asked does it make sense to ask people to put out a lot of money for solar panels and electric cars and he said this is a 10-year process.

The internet states more than 60% of solar panels are made in China and minerals for electric car batteries are mined in other countries.

This is the Democratic Party that if the Senator sent from Pennsylvania is a Democrat they will have another party line vote. Because he was born in Pennsylvania that won’t matter. Biden was born in Pennsylvania, Wow, that’s really helping us.

The Democrat for governor, when he was attorney general, sued multiple fracking companies, surprisingly he’s now for fracking. Check your latest electric and natural gas bills and look at the increase.

So are you really better off now than two years ago that the Democrats are in charge today.

R.L. Wissinger


Read More: Letter to the editor | Are we better off with Democrats? | Readers Forum