How is spring bloom fairing so far in central Ohio?

Flowers and other spring foliage are taking off in parts of Ohio despite the cooler and wet weather.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — While spring bloom can start as early as March, our “peak” bloom usually occurs from mid-April to mid-May.  When and how long the foliage sticks around is very weather dependent. 

“A lot of our spring flowers only open on sunny days and that’s because sunny, warm weather will get the pollinators moving”, said Andrew Gibson, the assistant botanist at the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. 

Botanists at ODNR have found that the cooler and soggy weather has helped spring this first wave of flowers and keep them from progressing too quickly.

Parts of southern Ohio have already started to see glimpses of spring blooms. The first wave of spring foliage has been reported containing large-flowered trillium, sessile trillium, wild blue phlox, wood poppy and star chickweed. 

Central Ohio still has a little while to go in terms of its “peak bloom”, this typically happens closer to May. Rue-anemone, cut-leaved toothwort, and large-flowered trillium have been spotted so far across parts of Central Ohio. 

Bloom will happen a little later in the season for parts of northern Ohio, but early bloomers like bloodroot have been spotted.

If you want to look at the full report or check with the latest update, you can find that here.

Read More: How is spring bloom fairing so far in central Ohio?