Bozell: ‘News Media Are So Arrogant’ They Never Admit They’re Wrong

Appearing on Newsmax’s Spicer & Co. Monday evening, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell blasted the leftist media for being “so arrogant” that they never admit that they’re wrong and “will never turn on one of their own.” He also discussed how even liberal comedians were starting to criticize the flailing Biden administration, showing that the President’s unpopularity “really has entered the bloodstream of America.”

Host Sean Spicer called out Obama’s former U.S. Ambassador to Russia and NBC News contributor Michael McFaul going on MSNBC and falsely proclaiming that “one difference between Hitler, when he was coming in, and Putin” was that “Hitler didn’t kill ethnic Germans…didn’t kill German-speaking people.” Spicer pointed out:

The thing that’s so interesting about that is the following – you know, on Sunday, he goes on and appears on NBC’s Meet the Press. Chuck Todd didn’t even acknowledge Ambassador McFaul having said that. In fact, just literally starts the discussion about Ukraine asks his opinion of it. McFaul had gotten killed online for this. No mention of it on NBC.



Bozell quipped: “…you know, some people are born idiots. Some people work at it. And if you work hard enough, apparently, you can become an ambassador. And if Todd works a little bit harder, he to could become an ambassador.”

He then called out NBC’s history of allowing its employees to spread falsehoods: “…this is that network that for years has been doing this. I’ve got two words, Brian Williams. You know, he does what he did, makes up stories, he becomes the news anchor at NBC. So that’s the way that network works.”

Spicer observed: “…it wasn’t covered on NBC. He’s a contributor. It wasn’t covered anywhere else. No, no Politico. No CNN. Nowhere else did they…make mention of what a former ambassador to Russia had said on this.”

Bozell hammered those leftist media outlets for refusing to ever admit a mistake:

One of the great virtues of man is the ability to recognize his own mistakes and to apologize for them. This is a country that loves when somebody is humble enough to say, I did something wrong. The news media are so arrogant they will never turn on one of their own and call out one of their own for this. Never.

Spicer agreed: “That’s true. It’s a really good point. And you’re right, as we were saying, he is one of their own. Therefore he is held to a different standard.”

Earlier in the discussion, Spicer highlighted: “Even late night host Trevor Noah pointing out how embarrassing it is that the UAE is screening and not taking or returning Biden’s phone calls.” A soundbite played of Noah admitting: “But either way, man, there is no denying that Saudi Arabia isn’t playing ball with Joe Biden. And you know what? You can say what you want. But this would have never happened to Donald Trump. Never.”

Spicer declared: “Trevor Noah is like, you know, an extension of the White House press office….But he’s siding with Trump on this, making it very clear this wouldn’t have happened if it was on Donald Trump’s watch.”

Bozell explained:

You know, at the MRC, we’ve had a rule for years that a story is important when late night comedians are joking about it. When it gets down to that level, then it really has entered the bloodstream of America. So when you see something such as Trevor Noah the other day, he’s reflecting something that’s really happening in this country. These comedians spent the last four years not having a sense of humor. Doing nothing but spewing bile all over Donald Trump. The fact that he’s saying this right now really is a reflection of the fact that America is looking – I don’t care who you are, America – America is looking at this president versus the last president and saying, “Right now, in a time of war, I wish we had the last president.”

Here is a transcript of Bozell’s March 14 appearance:

6:36 PM ET

TREVOR NOAH: But either way, man, there is no denying that Saudi Arabia isn’t playing ball with Joe Biden. And you know what? You can say what you want. But this would have never happened to Donald Trump. Never.

SEAN SPICER: Alright, that’s not a good sign when you lose one of your biggest defenders. Even late night host Trevor Noah pointing out how embarrassing it is that the UAE is screening and not taking or returning Biden’s phone calls.

But whenever the administration is faced with a tough situation, what do they do? They go out and they make TikTok videos. That’s right, last week, they dished key national security intelligence to 30 TikTok creators.

Here to react is tonight’s company, the President of the Media Research Center Brent Bozell, along with senior policy analyst at the Independent Women’s Forum Carrie Sheffield. Good to see you both.


SPICER: Trevor Noah is like, you know, an extension of the White House press office. He’s literally headlining the White House Correspondents Dinner this year. And will basically say all nice things about Joe Biden and use it to bash Donald Trump. But he’s siding with Trump on this, making it very clear this wouldn’t have happened if it was on Donald Trump’s watch. I mean, how big of a deal is it that you’ve got this late night stalwart that defends Joe Biden at every turn, siding with Trump?    


LINDSAY KEITH: Brent, it is shocking to see some of these comedians who never poke fun at the left doing so, so easily. Even Saturday Night Live spoofed that TikTok meeting that the White House had on Friday, over the weekend. They even poked fun at Hunter Biden. That was the shocker, really, to me. I will say, Sean and I were talking about this earlier, Republicans have not even brought up the Hunter Biden, Ukraine connection. Why do you think that is? You have SNL covering it, but not Republicans.

BRENT BOZELL: You know, at the MRC, we’ve had a rule for years that a story is important when late night comedians are joking about it. When it gets down to that level, then it really has entered the bloodstream of America. So when you see something such as Trevor Noah the other day, he’s reflecting something that’s really happening in this country. These comedians spent the last four years not having a sense of humor. Doing nothing but spewing bile all over Donald Trump. The fact that he’s saying this right now really is a reflection of the fact that America is looking – I don’t care who you are, America – America is looking at this president versus the last president and saying, “Right now, in a time of war, I wish we had the last president.”

SPICER: Yeah. Hey, Carrie, Obama’s former ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul, was on Rachel Maddow’s show last week and he said the following, take a listen.

MICHAEL MCFAUL: One of the Russian journalists said, you know, there’s one difference between Hitler, when he was coming in, and Putin. Hitler didn’t kill ethnic Germans. He didn’t kill German-speaking people.

SPICER: Now, Carrie, that – that’s a false statement. The thing that’s so interesting about that is the following – you know, on Sunday, he goes on and appears on NBC’s Meet the Press. Chuck Todd didn’t even acknowledge Ambassador McFaul having said that. In fact, just literally starts the discussion about Ukraine asks his opinion of it. McFaul had gotten killed online for this. No mention of it on NBC.


KEITH: You know, Brent, one of the interesting things is here, actually McFaul is an NBC contributor. So you know, I think that they don’t want to look bad. They don’t want to press on their own people and embarrass themselves for his comments the night before, and that’s why you don’t have them addressing this, sadly.

BOZELL: Sure, sure . Some people – you know, some people are born idiots. Some people work at it. And if you work hard enough, apparently, you can become an ambassador. And if Todd works a little bit harder, he to could become an ambassador. No, no this is that network – this is that network that for years has been doing this. I’ve got two words, Brian Williams. You know, he does what he did, makes up stories, he becomes the news anchor at NBC. So that’s the way that network works.

SPICER: You know, Carrie, the thing that was so fascinating to me – and admittedly, I’ve stepped in it myself and faced the wrath of it – is to, you know, Lindsay brought up the fact that it wasn’t covered on NBC. He’s a contributor. It wasn’t covered anywhere else. No, no Politico. No CNN. Nowhere else did they make fun – make mention of what a former ambassador to Russia had said on this.


BOZELL: Can I add something very quickly on that Sean.

SPICER: Quickly, yeah.

BOZELL: Especially what Carrie just said. That what you said at the beginning of your question is very telling. You said, “You…

Read More: Bozell: ‘News Media Are So Arrogant’ They Never Admit They’re Wrong