Univision Forgets Its Own Poll In Order To Pump Immigration Post-SOTU

The need for comprehensive immigration reform to ensure their long term survival is so embedded into the psyche of the national Hispanic news networks, that one Univision anchor opened a report on President Biden’s SOTU address and “the subject that worries Latinos most – immigration” – despite the findings of an exclusive UNIVISION survey of Latino voters that places immigration at the bottom of the list of their concerns.

Not that it was old news: the exclusive Univision poll (done in conjunction with NORC at the University of Chicago) was discussed by the same news team – Carolina Sarassa and Borja Voces, the day before! Watch:


Noticiero Univisión: Edición Digital

CAROLINA SARASSA: Regarding the most pressing issue, especially for Hispanics, immigration reform- President Joe Biden said, “Let’s do it once and for all.”

BORJA VOCES: A new Univision exclusive survey of registered Hispanic voters.


Additionally, there is other data from this poll that can be reported. First, it shows that Hispanics’ main concerns are, in this order- there you have it: jobs and the economy 49%, the pandemic 47%, and healthcare costs at 36%. Immigration fell to 8th place among their concerns.   

It is understandable that the Latino networks would prioritize those issues that concern their audiences, but making up information in order to give a topic more importance than it deserves is a disservice to those viewers and especially the ones who actually watched the anchors report on the survey. Furthermore, cheering Biden’s comment regarding immigration “Let’s do it once and for all,” made less sense considering the current administration´s handling of the issue.

In all, Biden spent 185 words on immigration, rendering it little more than lip service in an hourlong speech. Evidently it is just as important to him as it is to Latinos who have more pressing matters at hand, as the Univision poll confirmed: employment and economy 49%, the pandemic, 47%, health care costs at 36%, and immigration 17%. 

If only the networks would get the hint.

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Read More: Univision Forgets Its Own Poll In Order To Pump Immigration Post-SOTU