Columbus is offering new fertility-based option to control rats

Columbus entered into a contract earlier this year with SenesTech to offer residents with rat issues a fertility-based approach to control or eliminate them.

They’re calling it a birth-control campaign, conjuring images of family planning and contraceptives.

Promotional materials show a couple framed in a heart.

Except in this case, the couple is two rats. And they’re accompanied by the web address 

Columbus apparently was drawn to the pitch from an Arizona-based company to curb rat problems. The city entered into a contract earlier this year with SenesTech to offer residents with rat issues what’s billed as an effective, nontoxic, nonlethal, long-term solution to control or eliminate them.

SenesTech contract offers fertility-based solution to get rid of rats

The idea is that the wide-eyed critters with sharp teeth lurking in back alleys, abandoned homes or compost piles can continue to do what rodents do best while experiencing a precipitous decline in their propagation.

Read More: Columbus is offering new fertility-based option to control rats