Columbus Makes Art Presents Luther Lewis III and the Next Generation of Opera Artists

Luther Lewis III is a multidisciplinary artist, singer, teacher and stage director within classical voice/opera, theater and visual art, and is currently the Crane Directing Fellow at Opera Columbus. He is the assistant director for Fellow Travelers, coming Feb. 25 and 27 to the Southern Theatre.

Rachel: What made you interested in the Crane Directing Fellowship at Opera Columbus?
Luther:  It was the culmination of the perfect opportunity of everything that I was looking for. I did not know would exist or have existed. I had heard of, of course, of many young artist programs, for directing and things of that nature, but this one was very specific and was over two years. The fact that it was highlighting particularly BIPOC artists was significant.

It wasn’t just the opportunity itself, but also researching the company and seeing that Opera Columbus has a history of including diversity within their structure, within the artists that they highlight and exhibit, it is crucial. It’s also combining all of my different interests, and I wanted to get into opera directing, specifically. I wanted more experience and support, and to work closely with the company and other directors, and seeing what the process is like, behind the table.

As far as my passion to get into directing versus singing; it’s to be the person or one of those people who are behind the creative team table, guide them and help tell stories. Just to know that we have, what are our perspectives in the canons of opera, or in the future creation of opera, that is probably the most exciting thing too, are the new commissioned works and things of that nature. My desire is to just be able to be there and have a voice within the creative process and shape our artistic future.

Rachel: What does your artistic process look like?
Luther: I grew up in church, Pentecostal. A part of that is we talk a lot about following the spirit and how the spirit moves you. There’s a spiritual that says, Every time I feel the spirit within my heart, I will pray. Even as a child, something always moved me and I was always searching. I would go home, and I would play church. Basically, that would be my thing, because I just love the energy and I loved feeling whatever this feeling was. I was always searching for what’s that spirit? What is that spark thing? What is it that I can share these things with people and it resonates, and people value it?

Luther Lewis III
Luther Lewis III

They felt it was communicated by my feeling and my emotions. My process is reactionary. I react to events and things that are going on in my personal life, but I’m always seeking, where’s the spirit? That something that really touches my heart, and makes a difference for me, and then using my abilities to make those things, an art statement and turn that into a performance. And it’s always about sharing: I want to share this with you, I want to explore, I want to communicate. 

I always want to include people that look like myself, so even my early drawings were similar to Langston Hughes or things of that nature, or comic books. My dad was a great illustrator so that’s what got me into drawing and that was my practical approach. In singing, it was how do I communicate a message? How do I share my heart? How do I emote and give back to people? I was a praise and worship leader in church, even in high school, and I loved it. I was myself and I could strip that away to the expression of me. Directing brings it all back together for me. 

Rachel: Who are some of your inspirations?
Luther: Probably my dad in the visual arts. He did art just because and never just for a commerce or anything of that nature, so that gave me permission to create. That was probably the first real influence that my dad gave me permission to make it art because you love it, because you enjoy it, and that made it therapeutic. There was never any pressure attached to it.

Then the other was my first voice teacher, Jerry Hoover. I always tell the story that he sort of found me. He was older, a teacher in my hometown, probably in his 70’s when he discovered and found me. I never had to pay for a voice lesson. He was very prominent, he really showed me and he was this white man, a Methodist organist. A high school choir teacher turned counselor, but he showed me that help can come from anywhere and not to not limit the environments in which you can express yourself. He believed so much in me, that investment, I could not repay. Some kids really, all they need is someone to believe in them and to go the extra mile. He made me feel valued and seen.

To go to see a live show is a prize and it really is something that we should honor and keep alive.

-Luther Lewis III

Rachel: What is something you wish people would know about opera and the other facets of art that you perform?
Luther: I think people like classical-sounding sounds and people love beautiful singing. Sometimes the stories or the environment is intimidating. I appreciate Opera Columbus as well as the Make It Yours slogan to take away some of the pretense and be authentic. When you strip it away and just listen to the sounds, they say, “Oh, I don’t know what you said, but it just moved me.” Opera makes me cry. People say that all the time. “It makes me cry.” And to me that means you are on to something. You can tell stories just by singing.

I wish more people would give opera a chance. Again you’re making what you want to make it and we have just scratched the surface on what opera can be. I would love to see more improvisational operas — I would love to see that. If we are creating art, presently, it should speak to the present time and to people, the present people, whomever. Getting feedback from folks who are unfamiliar with art form is crucial.

Rachel: As the Assistant Director of the upcoming opera Fellow Travelers, what are you most excited about?
Luther: We are in a time where we are becoming more inclusive, welcoming, we’re becoming more expanded in our representation of different ways of living and lives. Now, romance is exhibited in a way that may not be conventional. At the core of the piece is romance. Sometimes the stigma attached to the subject matter in Fellow Travelers is that it’s kind of crass, or it’s only about the physical interactions. It is really and truly, romance. It allows us to empathize and understand that we are all having a human experience and that we all seek out love and acceptance.

Luther Lewis III of Opera Columbus
Luther Lewis III

We are all in our workplaces, in different places that we find ourselves, we just want to be who we are, whatever that looks like or whatever that feels like. Ultimately, our hearts just want to feel that love returned to us in whatever that looks like. The understanding that struggles aren’t easily solved, our problems and these things that we are tackling with are not new problems, but then sometimes they take a while to start to unravel to solve. We in ourselves, of course, the piece really tackles how we navigate these things. I’m excited about working with Bruno Baker and working with the cast. That will be amazing to see the dynamics in the rehearsal room and how it translates to the stage.

Rachel: What’s the best thing about the Columbus art scene right now?
Luther: The most surprising thing is the fact that Columbus has so many theaters that support live theater throughout the year. It is phenomenal and very unexpected. It says a lot about the culture; people are interested and invested in going to see shows. The art that is everywhere here. The city’s identity is to foster art. It really does give an ‘arts community feel’ in the entire city. This is why I chose to live here as well. Learning more about the art scene and the history in Columbus has been exciting. It is a hidden little kind of gem as far as the art world is concerned, but the world is catching on.

Rachel: What do you want to leave the readers with?
Luther: I hope that opera goers will give Fellow Travelers and pieces like this an opportunity to resonate with them. To understand that opera is not monolithic, that we are not just traditionalists and that there are contemporary stories that we can tell in contemporary classical ways. To give the artform a chance. For newer opera goers, do not think of it as opera or whatever the obstacle is, because people have a preconceived understanding of what going to an opera means, and it’s intimidating. But when in reality, it’s just the method in which we tell the story, and that’s beautiful. To go to see a live show is a prize and it really is something that we should honor and keep alive. We are all thirsty for that, especially in Columbus.

Opera Columbus presents Fellow Travelers Feb. 25 and 27 to the Southern Theatre. For tickets and information, visit

Columbus Makes Art Presents is a bi-weekly column brought to you by the Greater Columbus Arts Council – supporting and…

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