Cuyahoga County property tax deadline

**Related video: Find out more on child tax credit tax information, above*

CUYAHOGA COUNTY, Ohio (WJW) — Cuyahoga County property owners now have two weeks more to pay their property tax bills on time.

The Cuyahoga County Treasury Department announced the deadline to make payments has been moved from Jan. 27 to Feb. 10. Bills received in the mail are not going to reflect this change, but Feb. 10 is now the correct date.

People can pay their bills in person or otherwise, using the following methods:

By Mail
Send a properly post-marked enveloped to

Cuyahoga County Treasurer
P.O. Box 94547
Cleveland, OH 44101-4547


By Phone

Via Drop Box or In Person at Cuyahoga County Administrative Headquarters
2079 East Ninth Street, 1st Floor
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
(No cash allowed at drop box, which is open 24/7. All forms of payment taken at cashier station, open 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.)

People can also make payments at Key Bank branches and certain Auto Title branches (which is not the BMV.

Those who can’t make the full payment by the deadline need to call the treasury department at 216-443-7420 or email [email protected] to discuss options.

Find out more about payment options here. A penalty incurs if payments are not made on time.

Read More: Cuyahoga County property tax deadline