Keeping Kids in School | News, Sports, Jobs

Ohio County Schools’ officials are correct in their assessment that keeping learning in the school building and not remote remains the best option. That resolve, however, is being challenged by a rise in COVID-19 cases among staff.

“We haven’t hit the place where we’ve had to cancel, but the calls I’m getting from principals are increasing, and the number of people out is increasing,” district Assistant Superintendent Rick Jones said. “If this keeps going up, there will be decisions to make.

“… Canceling school would be our absolutely last choice, but at some point we might have to cancel.”

To keep that possibility at bay, at least for now, two district administrators — Walt Saunders and Raquel McLeod — have been sent into the classroom to serve as substitutes. Jones said other administrators could be called into service.

Good. The district must do whatever it can to keep kids in school with their teachers. Sending them home to learn will lead to more of what we saw last year — lost learning.

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