January 6 panel to invite House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy to testify – live | US

The Ohio supreme court has struck down new maps for the state legislature, saying they were so skewed to benefit Republicans that they violated the state constitution.

The ruling was 4-3. Maureen O’Connor, a Republican and the court’s chief justice, broke with Republican colleagues to cast the deciding swing vote. A panel of seven lawmakers tasked with drawing districts in Ohio now has 10 days to come up with a new map.

The court found that the plan, which would have given Republicans a 62-37 advantage in the Ohio House and a 23-10 advantage in the state senate, provisions of the Ohio constitution that require partisan fairness in mapmaking.

Those provisions say that districts cannot be drawn to “primarily to favor or disfavor a political party” and that the partisan makeup of districts should reflect the partisan results of statewide races over the last 10 years. Voters overwhelmingly approved the changes in a 2015 ballot referendum.

Republicans have won about 54% of the vote over the last decade in Ohio. But would have controlled nearly two thirds of each chamber in the legislature.

There is still a separate lawsuit pending before the court challenging Ohio’s congressional districts, which are also heavily distorted to benefit the GOP.

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January 6 committee to invite McCarthy to testify

Read More: January 6 panel to invite House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy to testify – live | US