MSNBC: Election Integrity Laws Are Causing A Jan 6th Every Single Day!

On Tuesday’s edition of Deadline: White House, host Nicole Wallace invited PBS Washington Week anchor Yamiche Alcindor on the show to join her continuing obsession over the January 6th riots. During this segment, she made the ludicrous assertion that GOP state voting laws are causing a “January 6 that’s happening every single day.” 

Wallace started by asking Alcindor about a document dump from former New York City police chief Bernie Kerik which had allegedly included a strategic communications plan as part of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s legal defense team. Wallace said “what’s so remarkable about the plan to overthrow the election of 2020. They put it all on paper. The whole intimidation, defrauding, corruption strategy was all on paper in black and white.” 

The conversation then drifted to the usual MSNBC obsession over how former President Donald Trump tried to overturn the 2020 election. Wallace let Alcindor rant and the longer it went on, the crazier her commentary got. Alcindor repeated the debunked claim that Republicans are passing laws in states throughout the country to rig elections in their favor. 

She laughably proclaimed that Republicans “are going to try to find a way to change the voting laws in this country to make sure that Republicans win rather than earning the vote, they’re essentially trying to make sure that they can just ensure, they can install people.” She ended her deranged rant by declaring “that is the way that democracies die. When I talk to experts, when I talk to immigrants who came to America, I’m hoping for a more stable democracy.” 



In response, Wallace decided to jump down the conspiratorial rabbit hole to claim there are: 

400 laws that have been rolled out in 48 states to roll back access to the polls and most people, experts agree more alarming are the parts of those bills that give Donald Trump’s cronies the power to nullify the vote. So, is it framing to move to that’s how democracies die to that’s how ours is dying right now? 

The crazy didn’t end there, not to be outdone, Alcindor had one last chance to out crazy Wallace and she did not disappoint: 

If you talk to experts who have seen and study democracy for decades, that’s what they would say. They would say this is a paradigm that needs to shift. And that American needs to understand that this is a January 6th that’s happening every single day on the local level that is slowly tearing apart our democracy. 

No, there isn’t a January 6 happening every day. The voter integrity laws that are being passed are to require voter identification and other measures to ensure that every legal vote is counted and only people who are legally allowed to vote cast their ballots.

This deranged segment was brought to you by CarFax and TD Ameritrade. Their information is linked so you can let them know about the biased news they fund. 

To read the relevant transcript of this segment click “expand”: 

MSNBC’s Deadline: White House
4:17:47 PM

NICOLE WALLACE: Yamiche, that sound came out sort of in the same news cycle as the Bernie Kerik document dump which included a strategic communications plan as part of the Giuliani legal defense team and we all know how that worked out. That included protests at local officials’ homes and offices. Protests at Governor’s Mansions, protests at Lieutenant Governor’s homes, protests at Secretary of State’s homes, protests at weak member’s homes. Protests in D.C. And a rally for key House and Senate members. It was put in writing. And that’s what’s so remarkable about the plan to overthrow the election of 2020. They put it all on paper. The whole intimidation, defrauding, corruption strategy was all on paper in black and white.  

YAMICHE ALCINDOR: It was all on paper. It was all on Twitter. I’m also looking and learning as everyone is about this one AP group and they had a proposal to persuade the President to declare an emergency and seize the country’s voting machines in a bid to stay in power. I had to read that because it sort of makes me shaky to even think about it because how in the world are we sort of living through this moment where the GOP frankly has embraced this sort of, this lie that has just continues to metastasize, that continues to eat away at school boards, it continues to eat away at primary candidates, at Congress. I mean, it is remarkable to me when you look at GOP primary candidates in a lot of these different states that people can’t even say that Joe Biden is President now for fear that they’re going to offend Trump supporters by stating an actual fact. 

So I think it is always, it’s always been very interesting how brazen the attempt to steal the election in 2020 was. I think the thing that’s going to be interesting for the committee and frankly for any lawmakers is how you hold people accountable and is there a way to hold people accountable? And is there a way to even try at some point to really, I think stave off what is becoming increasingly clear, a Republican Party that is going to be more focused on making sure that Republicans get elected by any means necessary and not looking at sort of how can we as a society work together to have fair voting laws. I think that that is a thing that is, that is I think at the center of this. When I talk to Republicans, Republican voters, they’re very interested in just trying to find people who are loyal to Trump brand who are going to try to find a way to change the voting laws in this country to make sure that Republicans win rather than earning the vote, they’re essentially trying to make sure that they can just ensure, they can install people and that is the way that democracies die. When I talk to experts, when I talk to immigrants who came to America, I’m hoping for a more stable democracy.

WALLACE: Yeah and let’s not skim over that. I mean, Yamiche that’s how democracies die and tragically that’s the part of all of this. That even the kind of Republicans that we carve out and still consider productive if that’s the best thing we can say about them do not object to. There have been no floor speeches or rousing objections from Liz Cheney, or Adam Kinzinger or Mitt Romney, or whomever else falls in that group about those 400 laws that have been rolled out in 48 states to roll back access to the polls and most people experts agree more alarming are the parts of those bills that give Donald Trump’s cronies the power to nullify the vote. So, is it framing to move to that’s how democracies die to that’s how ours is dying right now?

ALCINDOR: I mean, if you talk to experts who have seen and study democracy for decades, that’s what they would say. They would say this is a paradigm that needs to shift. And that American needs to understand that this is a January 6th that’s happening every single day on the local level that is slowly tearing apart our democracy. I will say that I think it is interesting when you look at sort of who is speaking out and who the “profiles of courage” are. If you’re looking for someone to push back on Donald Trump, if you’re a Republican who’s thinking about sort of speaking out against this, look, you look at Liz Cheney and realize sort of what your future will be in this GOP. I also think it’s interesting, Katie made a smart point about sort of why would Sean Hannity not want to come talk to the committee and it’s because those same people who were of course texting Mark Meadows saying the President former President Trump needs to stop this, they’ve now sort of all shifted to sort of this world view that no, this is, there was something funky that happened in the 2020 election. There must have been some sort of fraud. That of course is a lie. We know it’s not true. But Sean Hannity of course is someone along with a number of people at Fox News and a number of, of course, establishment we thought of were establishment elected Republican officials have sort of just decided that they’re going to embrace this because their voters and President Trump who has so much power are sort of requiring for them to have this lie and perpetuate this lie as part of their world view in order to stay in the good graces of the party.

Read More: MSNBC: Election Integrity Laws Are Causing A Jan 6th Every Single Day!