What!? No Pushback on CNN for Radical Dem Advocating for $25 an Hour Minimum Wage

Proving that CNN is all on board with the socialist agenda, New Day co-hosts John Berman and Brianna Keilar on Tuesday morning brought on Nina Turner, 2020 Bernie Sanders campaign co-chair and now congressional candidate to replace Rep. Marcia Fudge. The CNN hosts offered no pushback as Turner claimed the minimum wage should be “closer to $25 an hour and described the Green New Deal as a “beautiful thing to do.”

Berman began the segment by sympathizing with Turner that Democrats were unable to pass a $15 dollar an hour minimum wage because “the Senate Parliamentarian wouldn’t let it happen.” He then asked Turner “is it enough” that President Biden signed an executive order mandating that all federal contractors pay their employees at least $15 dollar an hour.



This setup Turner to praise Biden for “using the power of executive order” and to demonstrate the economic illiteracy of the far-left by claiming that “$15 an hour is the floor” because the minimum wage should “be closer to $25” an hour:

As we know, that $15 an hour is the floor. It is certainly not the ceiling. And so many people are suffering. And as we’ve seen with the pandemic, the essential workers and what they have done to steady this community, steady this nation, has been nothing short of a miracle. And so we’ve got to make sure that people are not living in poverty. And we know that economists are saying that if the minimum wage had kept pace with inflation or productivity, it would be closer to $25 than it is to $15 an hour. But I am glad to see President Biden using the power of executive order.

As Democratic activists, neither Berman nor Keilar pointed out to Turner that only very far-left economists must be advocating for a $25 dollar an hour minimum wage. In fact, 74% of economists who responded to a poll by the Employment Policies Institute oppose the federal government raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour. Furthermore, 43% of the respondents said that there should be no minimum wage at all. The generally negative responses to such a policy from economists is because raising the minimum wage, among many harmful effects, would favor corporations by harming small businesses that cannot afford to pay its employees such a wage, cause layoffs of low skilled workers, and increase automation of low skilled jobs.

Socialist economists have said it should be $25 an hour.

Instead of calling out Turner for her outrageous claim, Keilar played a clip of socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez praising Biden for “exceeded expectations that progressives had.” 

Keilar wondered if AOC was….going soft! She asked Turner ‘You have championed progressive causes, like Medicare for all, the Green New Deal. Given that President Biden does not support these policy goals, when you hear AOC say that, is she speaking for you when she says that Biden’s exceeded expectations with progressives?”

Turner said “progressive policies are not only popular, they are absolutely necessary.” And “we absolutely have to have Medicare For All.” And “Having a Green New Deal and putting people back to work and helping Mother Earth is a beautiful thing to do.”

Keilar responded to Turner by smiling and excitedly telling her that she and Berman will “be watching” her.

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Read the full April 27th transcript here:

New Day


6:31:34 AM

JOHN BERMAN: We want to bring in Nina Turner. She is a Democrat running in a special congressional election in Ohio’s 11th District. She’s also the former co-chair of Bernie Sanders’ 2020 presidential campaign. So nice to see you. Look, they try — President Biden tried for a legislative fix to the minimum wage, raising it to $15. The Senate Parliamentarian wouldn’t let it happen. This is what he can do by executive order right now. Is it enough?

NINA TURNER (DEMOCRATIC OHIO HOUSE CANDIDATE, FORMER OHIO STATE SENATOR AND FORMER CO-CHAIR FOR BERNIE SANDERS 2020 PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN): John, I’m glad — well, good morning. And I’m certainly glad to see the President using the power of executive order. It’s — it’s good. And it’s — it’s a great start. We’ve got to continue to push. We’ve got to make sure that it is done legislatively. As we know, that $15 an hour is the floor. It is certainly not the ceiling. And so many people are suffering. And as we’ve seen with the pandemic, the essential workers and what they have done to steady this — this community, steady this nation, has been nothing sheer — nothing short of — of a miracle. And so we’ve got to make sure that people are not living in poverty. And we know that economists are saying that if — if — if the minimum wage had kept pace with inflation or productivity, it would be closer to $25 than it is to $15 an hour. But I am glad to see President Biden using the power of executive order.

BRIANNA KEILAR: Nina, I want to listen to something that Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said about Biden at a virtual town hall on Friday night.

(Cuts to clip)

REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-NY): One thing that I will say is that I do think that the Biden administration, and President Biden, has definitely exceeded expectations that progressives had. You know, I’ll be frank, I think a lot of us expected a much more conservative administration.

(Cuts to live)

KEILAR: You have championed progressive causes, like Medicare for all, the Green New Deal. Given that President Biden does not support these policy goals, when you hear AOC say that, is she speaking for you when she says that Biden’s exceeded expectations with progressives?

TURNER: The administration is moving in the right direction and that is important to recognize. And what the beautiful thing is about this, is that the progressive movement is — has — has created very fertile soil and the administration is coming to understand that progressive policies are not only popular, they are absolutely necessary. And so when you’re moving in the right direction, we got to keep going. And that’s why we have to have the courage to ask for more. I have the courage to ask for more. The progressive movement has the courage to ask for more. So we can both recognize that one is moving in the right direction and also continue to push. We absolutely have to have Medicare for all. There are more people in this country right now who are uninsured and underinsured than ever before because of the pandemic. People were suffering as we know. There are hundreds — there’re — there’re — a million people, for example, in the state of Ohio, who lost their employer-sponsored healthcare. So, yes, we’ve got to have Medicare for all. I think we’re at about 100 million people right now. The Green New Deal is so important. My district has some of the most poor — some of the poorest communities in it. Having a Green New Deal and putting people back to work and helping mother earth is a beautiful thing to do. And so this is really good. The progressive movement has — has got to continue to shake things up and keep pushing. And I want to be there to keep the movement going in that Congress.

KEILAR: All right, we’ll be watching you. Senator, it is a great to see you this morning. Thanks for being on.

TURNER: You as well. Thank you.

Read More: What!? No Pushback on CNN for Radical Dem Advocating for $25 an Hour Minimum Wage