2021 Sweet Corn festival cancelled | News, Sports, Jobs

The Marietta Sweet Corn Festival Committee has canceled the 2021 festival.

The committee met Monday and voted unanimously to cancel the event scheduled to occur this year on July 16 and 17.

The festival started in 2008 and has grown in size and detail every year until the pandemic.

“We’ve tackled relocation, rain, recession and extreme heat, but the challenge of preventing the spread of this dangerous virus exceeds the skills and abilities of the festival committee and volunteers,” said Mark Doebrich, vice chairman of the festival’s committee in a press release Tuesday. “Our hope is to resume the free, family-oriented event on the corresponding date in July 2022, as the bug becomes less virulent and dangerous.”

The committee also selected two graduating high school seniors to each receive $1,000 scholarships.

Kesselyn Bigley and Addie Huffman, both attending Marietta High School, will receive scholarships at their senior awards assembly.

Bigley plans to attend The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute and study livestock production and management. He has been involved in FFA, 4-H and volunteering at past Sweet Corn Festivals.

He also has been a member of the golf team at MHS and has been recognized for academic achievement and state-level FFA degrees. Huffman also plans to attend The Ohio State University and study zoology. He has been involved in the National Honor Society and Student Council.

Huffman also has been a member of the Golf Team, Opening Minds Through Arts program and the Washington State College Credit Plus Club and Phi Theta Kappa.

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Read More: 2021 Sweet Corn festival cancelled | News, Sports, Jobs