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The Sky Today, November 23, 2022

At 10:16 a.m.: The moon is trine Jupiter, and the moon void of course beginsMid-morning, the Scorpio moon trines Jupiter in Pisces, helping us to attract growth opportunities. Exercising discernment and trusting our intuition puts us in…

SILENT SKY at The Barnstormers

You will never look at the evening sky in about the same way after seeing a performance of Lauren Gunderson's charming play, Silent Sky.As performed by The Barnstormers Theater in Tamworth, NH, a powerful ensemble cast makes this play…

Summer Insomnia – Sky & Telescope

Antares shines brightly above the Rho Ophiuchi complex.Ezequiel Etcheverry / S&T Online Photo Gallery Not long ago, I was working with a client on a blog post about summer insomnia — specifically…

Solving an Earthshine Mystery – Sky & Telescope

In his painting Two Men Contemplating the Moon, 19th century German artist Caspar David Friedrich depicts the earthlit portion of the waxing crescent with a brighter edge (top). The cause is likely a…