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Legal-Ease: Sometimes the law is simply unfair

Sometimes the law is incredibly consistent, simple and easy to understand. Other times, especially in certain areas of the law, the law consists of multiple sets of rules piled on top of each other with conflicts and inconsistencies…

Legal-Ease: Sharing our possessions with others

An amazing aspect of living where we do is that people are usually quite generous with each other.This generosity includes sharing our possessions. Growing up on a farm during the 1980s farm crisis, I was keenly aware that our farm’s…

Legal-Ease: Ohio license plate laws

The Iowa Supreme Court recently ruled that a “ball hitch” — used to attach trailers to passenger vehicles — did not legally “obstruct” license plates under Iowa law.In contrast, Ohio law requiring unobstructed rear-view license plates…

Legal-Ease: Access to landlocked property

Ohio law does not prohibit landlocked — lacking access to a public road/street — property. However, many counties and municipalities have regulations that prohibit the transfer or creation of landlocked real estate.However, landlocked…