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7 Habits of the Rich

A habit is defined as a behavior repeated so often it becomes almost automatic. I am in awe of the power of a habit. It’s a force to change your life, and it is available to anyone, no matter their situation or circumstances. For…

9 habits linked to a longer, happier life

Living life to the fullest starts with paying attention to your body and mind."The long-term effects of good and bad health habits are cumulative. Simply stated, you cannot outrun your past," said Dr. William Roberts, a professor in the…

7 Habits That Can Lower Your Risk of Dementia

The seven habits include exercising, losing weight, having good nutrition, maintaining a healthy blood pressure, reducing blood sugar, not smoking, and regulating cholesterol.Scientists identify have identified 7 healthy linked to lower…

10 Common Behaviors That Are Making You More Forgetful

Memory is a fickle thing. For example, you may remember something significant that happened a decade ago, but not what you had for dinner last Tuesday. Or maybe you are simply forgetful with the little things, like misplacing your keys,…