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The Congressmen Cannot be Serious

  Yes, they are. Nadler, Schiff, Johnson, and Cicilline all sit on the House Judiciary Committee, and after their comments yesterday, they may also be sitting on their cerebellum. There is no way these bloviators can review their…

2 GOP congressmen in Mississippi at risk of defeat in runoff

MAGEE, Miss. (AP) — Congressional primary runoffs with incumbents are rare in Mississippi. This year, two of the state’s Republican representatives are fighting to keep their jobs in runoffs against challengers from their own party.U.S.…

See The Ohio Congressmen That Owned Slaves: Washington Post

OHIO — Ohioans sent seven slaveholders to Congress in the 19th century, according to a new database compiled by the Washington Post. The paper examined thousands of Census documents and historical records to determine how many members of…