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Column: Internal CBS Revolt Against Hiring Republicans

If anyone had any doubt that our “objective” television news operations are deeply partisan and nearly unanimous Biden-voter caucuses, observe the revulsion and disgust spilling out into public view when one of them hires a…

Column: The Sudden Biden Epiphany at The Washington Post

Just when you thought the Hunter Biden scandals had died in darkness, The Washington Post published more than 6,300 words on the last day of March admitting that a notable fraction of Hunter’s laptop contents were authentic.…

Column: Clarence Didn’t Get the Ketanji Media Puffery

The liberal media have treated the Supreme Court nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson as a glorious and historic occasion. Nobody needs to care about where she stands on things, since she and the media share all the “correct…

Column: Years Late and Millions Short on Hunter Biden

Michael Isikoff, once the top investigative reporter for Newsweek, tweeted something unintentionally humorous about a New York Times story. “In the category of -- didn’t see this coming,” he wrote, “The @nytimes confirms the…