‘Barbie’ is Just … a Movie

I thought long and hard about how to react to the whole “Barbie” movie. Is it a social justice mess that had “messaging” no one should endure, or is it something else?

First, “Barbie” is not the CCP-financed, left-wing whatever, you were told it is. It’s… a chick flick. Women of all ages want to see their child-age dolls come to life and do things – any things.

“Barbie” is basically about girls’ dolls coming to life, trying to experience the real world, and dealing with the consequences. Did you think, they would get it right? Really? its about DOLLS!

There are a TON of quirky, funny, silly moments that any woman can relate to because – it is … a girl movie.

Understanding the difference between Gender Ideology and feministic fun is key to realizing why Barbie rocks and the other gender ideology BS films … don’t.

“Barbie” is the girl’s movie of a lifetime. It’s a fictional, whimsical, look into what happens if Barbie and Ken become sentient and take on the real world.

If you grew up with Barbie dolls in your childhood bedroom, you may love “Barbie” the movie.

If you hate the fact that you think Barbie represents a REAL female, you may need a therapist.

All of you in between, who are angry that some people did, or other people didn’t see “Barbie”, should seek help.

It’s a chick flick – leave it to the chicks – or admit you are a dude who likes watching chick flicks.


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Read More: ‘Barbie’ is Just … a Movie