Gardening Now More Popular than Ever

A recent report has shown that gardening has become one of the most popular hobbies in America, with 55% of American households actively gardening. In fact, over 71.5 million households, or over 185 million people, now enjoy the benefits of gardening.

A recent report by Bigger Garden has shown that gardening has become one of the most popular hobbies in America, with 55% of American households actively gardening. (CNW Group/Bigger Garden)

One of the main drivers of this increase in popularity has been the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw 18.3 million people take up gardening as a way to pass the time and stay productive while at home, according to Bigger Garden. Not only has gardening provided an enjoyable and fulfilling pastime, but it has also helped to alleviate some of the financial stress faced by families containing out-of-work adults, who were almost twice as likely to struggle with grocery bills.

The impact of gardening on the economy has also been significant, with American adults spending over $47 billion dollars on gardening supplies like outdoor tools and hydroponic kits for indoor growing. Online sales doubled over the pandemic, demonstrating a clear shift towards e-commerce.

Gardening has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health, physical health, and the environment. Despite the initial cost of gardening supplies, gardening households only spend an average of $70 per person per year on their hobby. And with 37.6 million U.S. homes containing at least one indoor plant, it’s clear that Americans are investing in their well-being and the world around them.

The Bigger Garden research report also revealed that Gen Z represents a substantial 44% of the new pandemic gardeners, with Millennials making up almost a third of all gardeners. Gen X now makes up around 34% of new gardeners. On the other hand, Baby Boomers are gardening less than they were a few years ago, down around 10% as they age into downsizing their homes and gardening space.

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