CDC: 60 Percent Increase in High School Girls Contemplating Suicide

by Eric Lendrum


On Monday, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) published a report revealing that the rate of high school-aged girls in the United States considering suicide or going through depression has increased dramatically over the last 10 years.

As reported by Fox News, the study shows that in 2021, 57 percent of all high school girls felt depressed or hopeless in 2021, compared to just 36 percent in 2011; this marks a staggering 58 percent increase over the 10-year period. Similarly, 30 percent of girls in 2021 contemplated suicide, a 60 percent increase from just 19 percent in 2011. And in another 60 percent increase, 24 percent of high school girls went so far as to make plans for their own suicide in 2021, up from 15 percent in 2011.

The numbers are similarly grim for high schoolers of both genders. In 2021, 42 percent of overall high school students went through depression or hopelessness, with 22 percent considering suicide, 18 percent making suicide plans, and 10 percent actually attempting suicide.

“As we saw in the 10 years prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health among students overall continues to worsen, with more than 40% of high school students feeling so sad or hopeless that they could not engage in their regular activities for at least two weeks during the previous year –  a possible indication of the experience of depressive symptoms,” the CDC said in its summary of the report. “We also saw significant increases in the percentage of youth who seriously considered suicide, made a suicide plan, and attempted suicide.”

“Unfortunately, almost all indicators of health and well-being in this report including protective sexual behaviors (i.e. condom use, sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing, and HIV testing), experiences of violence, mental health, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors worsened significantly,” the report continued.

In addition, the CDC reported that most teenages feel less connected at school than they did just 10 years ago, with the rise of social media being one possible reason for the increased disconnect, as well as the lockdowns and isolation during the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

“I think social media has a lot to do with this,” said Fox News’ Marc Siegel. “The key is connectivity. Parents being more involved, a lot of communication, after-school activities, schools being more involved, that’s all correct. We’re in trouble with teen girls.”

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.
Photo “Sad Young Female” by Uus Supendi.




Read More: CDC: 60 Percent Increase in High School Girls Contemplating Suicide