Horoscope Today: December 27, 2022 | Vogue India

See what the stars have in store for your sign

Considering that we’re officially under the influence of Mercury retrograde’s shadow, you may find old friends and lovers crawling out of the woodwork, Virgo. Beware of your tendency to go back to the old ways. You don’t want those holiday season blues to become the reason you get caught up in emotional entanglements that do not serve you in the least, beautiful. Maybe you don’t want to be the belle of the ball, Leo. Maybe you don’t want to air kiss your way through the night. Maybe you want to stay indoors in a onesie and enjoy quality time with your besties, and that’s okay. Accept where you are today and embrace the joy of missing out in a way you never have before. Just a reminder, Pisces: you are a master manifestor and the opportunities that are knocking at your door now are the opportunities you have consciously attracted into your world. So, do yourself a favour and take that cloak of invisibility off. Lay your trust back in yourself and go after what you really want.

Read More: Horoscope Today: December 27, 2022 | Vogue India