Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for December 25-December 31, 2022 |

ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)

Love: The Hanged Man

Mood: The Lovers

Career: The Fool

Some people may want to take this week to think things over. Know your strengths and work on your weaknesses. If you put in the effort, this may help you reach the top of your field. There is a lot to celebrate and look forward to this week for the students. Their efforts are likely to pay off soon. Those interested in beginning a professional life may soon be able to do so. Eating more superfoods is likely to improve your health. It’s not uncommon for newlyweds to want to extend their honeymoon so they can soak up every last drop of happiness. It’s a good idea to settle any loans or bills you owe before the weekend. Tenants and landlords may succeed in finding good tenants without much effort.

Lucky Number: 9

Lucky Colour: Magenta

TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20)

Love: The Sun

Mood: Temperance

Career: Devil

Now is the time to step up and confidently take on any and all professional obstacles that may lie in your path. If you do this, you can stand out at your company. You may be spending a little more than you earn, so it’s time to look at your budget. Regardless of how busy you are, take your time with household chores. Parents and elders are likely to appreciate your help around the house. Don’t bother getting involved in debates that aren’t relevant to you. Stay out of local politics if you value your sanity. Set aside some quiet time this week to reflect on what’s going on in your head. After a long separation, reuniting with a romantic partner can provide relief from routine and breathe new life into stale relationships. A trip abroad may be in your future, with it, exciting new possibilities.

Lucky Number: 17

Lucky Colour: Red

GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21)

Love: Five of Coins

Mood: Two of Swords

Career: The Hermit

This week is likely to be fruitful for any endeavour, especially those that expand your horizons and improve your abilities. Observe any warning signs your body may be sending. Leave your worries and stresses behind and focus on your own well-being; attempt to solve problems by thinking about them. This week is perfect for meeting new people in your field and expanding your professional network. Your superiors are likely to notice your hard work, which could lead to a raise or promotion. If you’re confident about certain investments, you should make them. Take care of family problems as soon as they appear, consulting with older family members or relatives for advice on how to reach a peaceful resolution. Your significant other may have a pleasant surprise in store for you and spice up romantic ties.

Lucky Number: 18

Lucky Colour: Brown

CANCER (Jun22-Jul 22)

Love: The Hierophant

Mood: Page of Wands

Career: The Fool

This week is ideal for an extra effort to learn something new or overcome a challenge you’ve been avoiding. Your gut instincts would hold strong, guiding you toward the best choice. You are strongly encouraged to focus on the task and make sound decisions as you go along. You may have a good time at the office. Some of you can find ways to supplement your current income and increase your net worth. Those who are in the final stages of property negotiations are advised to postpone the deal until the stars are more favourable. Those looking for a long-term partner might have better luck using more conventional approaches. They are likely to have a prosperous marriage filled with joy and contentment. Get the most out of life now that a long-standing health problem has been resolved.

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Colour: Green

LEO (Jul 23-Aug 23)

Love: Devil

Mood: Five of Cups

Career: The Tower

Refrain from getting too comfortable in your career and resting on your laurels. Instead, leverage this opportunity to make rapid progress toward your objectives. To effectively guide a young family member, you need to be at your most empathic and tactful. To help them see the light, you need to be patient and understanding. This week, focus on smoothing over any differences of opinion you may have with your parents or spouse. Only take romantic action once you are sure of how you feel. Keep your cool and watch what you say, even if you’re angry. Entrepreneurs need to put effort into their marketing strategies because it could lead to lucrative contracts. When your body and mind are in harmony, you may feel energised and ready to take on the week.

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Colour: Electric Blue

VIRGO (Aug 24-Sept 23)

Love: The Strength

Mood: The High Priestess

Career: Eight of Wands

You have been so busy with work and social obligations that you may have neglected to take any time for yourself recently. If you care about your physical and mental health, it’s time to stop putting off making tough choices and start making some. The time we are living in is one of great potential and fresh starts. Having an efficient work ethic and a keen eye for detail can help you rise in the professional ranks and even earn you recognition from your peers. Avoid investments or deals that promise to be risk-free; instead, weigh your options carefully before committing. You are likely to experience a sense of emotional fulfilment in your romantic life. Later in the week, you and your loved ones might make plans to fly to a faraway destination. Being receptive to other people’s ideas and suggestions is likely to help you refine your own.

Lucky Number: 1

Lucky Colour: Maroon

LIBRA (Sept 24-Oct 23)

Love: Two of Swords

Mood: Ten of Coins

Career: World

This week, your good fortune is likely to shine brighter than ever. For some of you, the potential rewards from taking calculated risks with your money far outweigh the risks you’d be taking. To make the best choice, paying attention to your gut is essential. The only way to keep the peace at home is to take a more dominant role in family matters. If you can chill out, calm down, and exercise self-control, the chaos and confusion may go away on their own. People who want to start a family may get some good news soon. Those embarking on a long trip should double-check their itinerary before setting out. A missed detail could significantly increase the stress and weariness of the journey. Perhaps you may receive unexpected and flattering attention from a coworker, and you can’t rule out the possibility of a new romantic relationship.

Lucky Number: 8

Lucky Colour: White

SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)

Love: Ten of Cups

Mood: King of Coins

Career: The Moon

Now is the time to institute structure and discipline into your daily routine. Instilling discipline at home or in the workplace may help reap benefits that are likely to last throughout the week. All your goals can come to fruition; even the most unconventional ideas may get the green signal from superiors. Academics can anticipate positive tenure decisions. For couples, this coming week looks to be a particularly wonderful one. Your partner is very likely to be encouraging and supportive of you. This week should be full of fun activities and new friends; put your best foot forward. For the time being, those thinking of taking their family on vacation should reconsider. This week, indigestion could be a problem, so try to limit your food intake. Many diseases and conditions can be avoided if you control your tendency to overeat.

Lucky Number: 2

Lucky Colour: Pink

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21)

Love: The World

Mood: The Star

Career: The Chariot

A networking event is an excellent move for new business owners, as that’s where they meet potential investors. Your company is likely to give you a high-profile

assignment. You can triumph over challenges and earn everyone’s admiration if you take your time and plan each step carefully. You and your significant other may find that this week is an enjoyable one for your romantic endeavours. The two of you should plan your next exciting journey together. Later this week, visiting some out-of-town relatives could brighten up your home life with lots of smiles and chuckles. Expect delays and hassle on your trip, if possible, reschedule it for another time. You need to take a break and recharge your batteries while also giving some thought to your health and well-being.

Lucky Number: 7

Lucky Colour: Cream

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 21)

Love: Three of Swords

Mood: Two of Coins

Career: Judgement

Your professional obligations are likely to keep you busy all week long. If the chance presents to advance presents itself, take it. Having your significant other’s undying love and unwavering support may give you the fortitude to take on any challenge with boundless zeal. If you’re feeling uneasy about starting something new, give it some time or get advice from an expert. A loss of funds can result from rash action. The state of your health may necessitate your immediate attention. Don’t ignore nagging worries; get a doctor’s opinion to ensure it’s nothing serious. You might get a favourable resolution to a property dispute dragging on in court for a while this week. Vacationing with loved ones is a great…

Read More: Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for December 25-December 31, 2022 |