BORDER CRISIS: Agents Interdict Third Largest Meth Seizure in History

EDINBURG, Texas – Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agents interdicted a narcotics smuggling event leading to the third largest methamphetamine seizure, to date, in U.S. Border Patrol history.

On December 8, Falfurrias Border Patrol Station agents at the Falfurrias Checkpoint referred a tractor trailer to the secondary inspection area for an immigration inspection on the driver. The inspection led to agents discovering 1,440 bottles filled with liquid methamphetamine instead of the everyday household cleaning solution as the labels indicated. The narcotics weighed more than 3,000 pounds. The street value of the seized methamphetamine is estimated at nearly $100 million.

“RGV Sector agents work diligently every day to interdict vehicles being used in human and drug smuggling events.  This historical seizure is a prime example of our Agents’ efforts to continuously impact and degrade Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCO) exploiting the Rio Grande Valley.  I am extremely proud of our Border Patrol Agents and how the interdiction kept these dangerous narcotics out of our communities,” stated RGV Sector Chief Patrol Agent Gloria I. Chavez.

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