Cancer: Chokeberry shown to significantly reduce cancer growth in 24 hours

While a great number of studies have highlighted the ability of anthocyanin to inhibit cancers of the gastrointestinal tract, there is evidence that applying the antioxidants topically can inhibit skin cancer too.

Whether chokeberry confers any protection against skin cancer when applied topically, however, remains to be seen.

According to the website Organic Facts, some antioxidants found in chokeberry:

  • Quercetin
  • Epicatechin
  • Caffeic Acid
  • Malvidin
  • Lutein
  • Zeaxanthin
  • Carotene.

Current evidence on the link between chokeberry and cancer may be limited, but it highlights the value of probing the association in more depth.

What’s more, the current proof that chokeberry can reduce the risk of colon cancer does not mean all cancers can be prevented.

Read More: Cancer: Chokeberry shown to significantly reduce cancer growth in 24 hours