Asteroid 2022 ES3 LIVE– Nasa’s chilling secret plan revealed before ‘close approach’ of

NASA’s chilling secret plan was revealed before the “close approach” of a space rock and Asteroid 2015 DR215.

The agency said a simulated asteroid exercise was conducted in February to assess the damage of an asteroid smashing into Earth, according to a new report.

The news was revealed one day before an asteroid made a “close approach” to Earth on Friday but another one will swing very close to our planet this weekend, and you can watch it live.

Asteroid 2022 ES3 will end up between the Moon and Earth at around 2.18pm ET on Sunday, March 13, Newsweek reported.

The Virtual Telescope Project will host a livestream of the asteroid’s “very close, but safe, encounter with us” on its WebTV page beginning at 6.30pm UTC on Sunday (1.30pm ET).

Meanwhile, Asteroid 2015 DR215 was expected by experts at Nasa to fly past Earth in the early hours of Friday morning, with the agency’s “close approach” chart listing the exact time as 6.40 UTC.

Read our Asteroid 2022 ES3 live blog for the latest news and updates…

  • Where are asteroids found?

    Asteroids are found mostly in three areas of the solar system.

    The majority of asteroids are found in a large ring between Mars and Jupiter’s orbits.

    More than 200 asteroids bigger than 60 miles (100 kilometers) in diameter are found in this primary asteroid belt.

    According to NASA, the asteroid belt includes between 1.1million and 1.9million asteroids bigger than one kilometer (3,281 feet) in diameter, as well as millions of smaller ones.

  • How are asteroids found, continued

    NASA has been leading a program to find and track near-Earth asteroids since around 2000.

    According to CNEOS, programs like the Catalina Sky Survey in Arizona and the Pan-STARRS telescopes in Hawaii specialize in locating asteroids and have identified hundreds of them.

  • How are asteroids found?

    Giuseppe Piazzi, an Italian priest and astronomer, accidentally found Ceres, the first and biggest asteroid, orbiting between Mars and Jupiter, while drawing a star map in 1801.

    Ceres, while being categorized as a dwarf planet today, is responsible for a quarter of the mass of all known asteroids in or around the main asteroid belt.

  • Did an asteroid kill the dinosaurs?

    The extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by an asteroid impact, according to a team of scientists who were evaluating whether the newer theory that volcanoes led to their demise was accurate.

    The researchers used a variety of methods to assess ancient temperature records and the amount of greenhouse gases that could have been in the atmosphere.

    According to the study results, volcanic gasses may have also played a role in the decline of the dinosaurs.

  • What is a meteorite?

    If a meteoroid enters the Earth’s atmosphere, it begins to vaporize and becomes a meteor.

    On Earth, it’ll look like a streak of light in the sky, because the rock is burning up, and it may look like a fireball or “shooting star.”

    If a meteoroid doesn’t vaporize completely and survives the trip through Earth’s atmosphere, however, it can land on Earth and becomes a meteorite.

  • Difference between asteroids, meteors, and comets, part three

    Like asteroids, a comet orbits the Sun.

    However, rather than being made mostly of rock, a comet contains lots of ice and gas, which can result in amazing tails forming behind them as a result of the ice and dust vaporizing.

    “They range from a few miles to tens of miles wide, but as they orbit closer to the Sun, they heat up and spew gases and dust into a glowing head that can be larger than a planet,” Nasa reported.

  • Difference between asteroids, meteors, and comets, continued

    When two asteroids hit each other, the small chunks that break off are called meteoroids.

    “Meteoroids are objects in space that range in size from dust grains to small asteroids. Think of them as ‘space rocks,'” Nasa reported.

  • Difference between asteroids, meteors, and comets

    An asteroid is a small rocky body that orbits the Sun.

    They are “rocky, airless remnants left over from the early formation of our solar system about 4.6 billion years ago,” Nasa reveals.

    Most are found in the asteroid belt (between Mars and Jupiter).

    But they can be found anywhere, including in a path that can impact Earth.

  • Asteroids often approach Earth

    Asteroids that come very close to Earth are fairly common.

    Nasa has previously revealed that car-sized asteroids hit the Earth’s atmosphere at least once a year, but they burn up before reaching the ground.

    And a lot of asteroids are hard to spot because they can be in blind spots created by the Sun.

  • Asteroid deflection

    Nasa recently launched its Double Asteroid Redirection Test mission.

    Nasa said: “DART is the first-ever mission dedicated to investigating and demonstrating one method of asteroid deflection by changing an asteroid’s motion in space through kinetic impact.”

  • Infrared telescope to launch in 2026

    NEO Surveyor, a space-based infrared telescope devoted to locating potentially deadly asteroids, will launch in 2026, thanks to funding from Congress in 2018.

  • How many NEAs have been located?

    Astronomers have discovered 28,266 near-Earth asteroids as of February 14, 2022, of which 10,033 are 460 feet (140 meters) in diameter or bigger, and 888 are at least 0.6 miles (1 km) wide.

    Every week, about 30 new objects are added, according to The Conversation.

  • Most destructive asteroid impact

    A 6-mile (10-km) diameter asteroid collided with what is now the Yucatán Peninsula 65million years ago, causing the most renowned and deadly collision.

    It wiped out the majority of Earth’s plant and animal species.

  • When is an asteroid a threat?

    A near-Earth object is considered a hazard by astronomers if it comes within 4.6million miles (7.4million kilometers) of the planet and has a diameter of at least 460 feet (140 meters), according to The Conversation.

    If a celestial body of this magnitude collided with Earth, it might wipe out whole cities and devastate entire regions.

    Larger objects, such as those measuring 0.6 miles (1 km) or more, might have global consequences and perhaps result in mass extinctions.

  • 2023 asteroid turns out to be safe

    The finding of a potentially deadly asteroid earlier this year sent scientists on a roller coaster trip.

    Astronomers at Arizona’s Mount Lemmon Observatory detected a 70-meter-wide asteroid on January 6, 2022.

    Based on their early observations, this object looked to have a chance of colliding with Earth on its next visit, on July 4, 2023.

    Because any ambiguities in an asteroid’s orbit are greatest in the hours following its discovery, astronomers from a variety of observatories hurried to perform follow-up observations, which normally rule out any future collisions.

  • The shape of asteroids, continued

    Other considerations come into play when gravitational forces are absent.

    Because asteroids collide, some become lumpier and less spherical, according to

    For example, the KBO Arrokoth is formed like two pancakes joined together.

    Arrokoth is thought to have originated when two items gently twirled around one other, becoming closer and closer until they met and were locked together.

  • The shape of asteroids

    An asteroid’s shape is affected by mass and gravity, according to

    Gravity draws everything evenly toward the body’s center of mass if a structure becomes large enough.

    The spherical form is created by the gravitational pull.

    The solar system’s asteroids, comets, and other tiny things, such as certain Kuiper Belt objects (KBOs), circle the sun beyond Neptune.

    These objects are composed of leftovers from the creation of the solar system after the planets swept up most of the primordial material.

  • Meteorites from asteroid belt, part three

    According to a new study from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, these asteroidal minerals might have originated very early in the Solar System.

    The material must have then been carried into the inner Solar System by uncontrolled mixing processes.

    A Japanese AKARI space telescope and theoretical models of asteroid chemical processes were employed by the researchers.

    They discovered that the surface minerals seen on asteroids in the outer main belt, particularly ammonia (NH3)-bearing clays, are formed from beginning materials including NH3 and CO2 ice that is only stable at very low temperatures and in water-rich environments.

    The findings show that asteroids in the outer main belt started in far-off orbits and then differentiated to generate various materials in water-rich mantles and rock-dominated cores.

  • Meteorites from asteroid belt, continued

    Carbonaceous chondrite (CCs) meteorites are thought to have had a role in the formation of the Earth.

    The extremely volatile elements on Earth may have come from these meteorites.

    Carbonaceous meteorites are assumed to have originated from asteroids in the outer main belt.

    Telescopic measurements of asteroids in the outer main belt indicate a consistent reflectance characteristic, implying that their outer layers contain either water ices or…

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