OhioHealth’s Dr. Halaharvi Named an “NBC4 Remarkable Woman”

As part of Women’s History Month, this March NBC4 is recognizing the contributions women have made in the central Ohio community through their “Remarkable Women” series.  It’s part of a national initiative from Nextstar Media to honor women around the county doing good in their communities.  

The first honoree for 2022 is Deepa Halaharvi, DO, a breast cancer surgeon at OhioHealth.  Dr. Halaharvi treats patients from a unique perspective, because she’s been in their shoes.  She herself was diagnosed with breast cancer just eight months after she went into practice as a breast surgeon.

“I have no idea why I cry every single time I talk about this, but, who is better to get breast cancer than a breast cancer surgeon?” Dr. Halaharvi told NBC4 anchor Audrey Hasson.

Because she’s experienced the disease first hand, she says she is really able to empathize with her patients as she understands what they are going through and what questions they may have.  Dr. Halaharvi frequently speaks about the importance of early detection with groups in the community and even hosts a podcast with one of her patients.

“My hope with this podcast is not just to educate and empower people, but also to know that it’s not the end of the world, that cancer does not take away who you are as a person, it still provides hope,” said Dr. Halaharvi.

You can view Dr. Halaharvi’s “Remarkable Women” story by clicking here.

To learn more about screenings for all types of cancer, click here.

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Read More: OhioHealth’s Dr. Halaharvi Named an “NBC4 Remarkable Woman”