With prices soaring on everything across the board, every penny counts. And when it comes to saving money on gasoline, AAA is offering tips on how you can make the most of your gasoline.

Gas prices in Ohio are eight cents away from a new record, and in Pennsylvania, records have already been set every day for almost a week now.

AAA East Central’s Director of Public Affairs, Jim Garrity tells 21 News gas prices haven’t spiked this high this quickly since AAA began tracking gas prices in 2000.

With that in mind, Garrity is reminding motorists of a few points to follow on the road that could save you some money. The biggest point: slow down.

Not only is it safer for you and other motorists on the road, but Garrity says your car burns fuel less efficiently every five miles per hour over 50 you go.

AAA offered a few other tips to reduce your pain at the pump. These tips are as follows:

– Make your car lighter. This will make your car more fuel efficient

– Check for proper tire pressure

– If your car has economy driving mode, use it

– The auto start-stop feature is also helpful

– Use cruise control if roads are dry

– Chart your course before you leave.

Additionally, Garrity suggested motorists think about consolidating their trips and running errands on one day of the week instead of two or three and running them in one small area with several different stores if possible.

Garrity also added that if you have a more fuel efficient car at home, use that one. 

Garrity says that President Biden’s decision to stop importing Russian oil has not hit the market beyond industry speculations so we don’t know what the impact will be just yet.