Wife thankful to Columbus police who helped locate husband

Randall Enos - All Mandates Suspended

Convoy ‘crybabies’ protest while Ukrainians fight for freedom

So, some 500 to 1,000 drivers plan to screw up traffic throughout Ohio in their big-man trucks to protest vaccinations and masks required to protect their health and that of their fellow citizens.

More:Some truck convoys still ’10-4′ with hundreds expected to pass through Greater Columbus

A vehicle in  the People's Convoy passes by  on I-70 in West Jefferson, Ohio Thursday, March 3, 2022.

Meanwhile, brave citizens of Ukraine stand against a murderous Russia to preserve freedom. 

What bunch of crybabies those drivers are. They should hide their faces in shame. 

Ronald L. Solove, Columbus

Thanks to Columbus police officers for help locating husband 

I want to thank the Columbus Police Department for their help in locating my husband on Feb. 22. Officer Wilson stayed with me while officers combed my daughter’s neighborhood looking for my husband, who was out with our two dogs. 

Read More: Wife thankful to Columbus police who helped locate husband