Ohio State reports more than $1.236 billion in annual research expenditures | Education

COLUMBUS — The Ohio State University’s annual research and development expenditures crossed a record-breaking threshold in 2021.

New analysis from Ohio State’s Enterprise for Research, Innovation and Knowledge shows research expenditures for the 2021 fiscal year were $1.236 billion. The analysis is part of the university’s Office of Research submission to the National Science Foundation’s Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) Survey.

The HERD survey is the primary source of information on research and development expenditures at U.S. colleges and universities. The survey collects information on research and development expenditures by field of research and source of funds and gathers information on types of research, expenses and personnel.

“The record-breaking milestone highlights the university’s growing capacity in transformational research and our commitment as a leading land-grant research university,” said Gary Heminger, chair of the board of trustees. “It is also a testament to the hard work and innovation that drives our faculty, students and staff.”

Ohio State President Kristina M. Johnson announced a goal to double the university’s research expenditures in a decade at her 2021 State of the University address.

“Research is the starting point for innovation, leading to groundbreaking discoveries that have the power to change our lives for the better. It forms the very foundation of Ohio State’s mission as a land-grant university, enabling us to fulfill our ultimate goals of educating a new generation of leaders and giving back to the community,” Johnson said.

(Information courtesy of The Ohio State University.)

Read More: Ohio State reports more than $1.236 billion in annual research expenditures | Education